Medical Master's World

Chapter 852

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you? How can you talk? I'm going to be laughed at by my classmates for a while."

Qin Jun see Chen Ke'er this appearance, but also feel interesting, a face of joking said.

"Why, you lose face? Then why don't you save some face when you take pictures of me

Qin Jun didn't tell Chen Ke'er the truth. Let the girl worry.

Chen Ke'er rolled a white eye and glared at Qin Jun.

He said in a low voice, "brother-in-law, are you too mean? I just took a picture. I didn't send it to my sister. You just let me lose face. Hum

Qin Jun laughed, but didn't say a word. We went to the bar next door.

Because Qin Jun said that one hour later, after the formalities are completed, the Seattle castle will be his.

So we spent some time in the bar, waiting for an hour to see Qin Jun's joke.

After entering the bar, the sound of heavy metal music was immediately heard. Young men and women were dancing on the dance floor. They looked young and beautiful, making people feel like blood.

After all, they were all young people. After entering, they simply played for a while, drank a few glasses of wine, and everyone went to the dance floor to dance.

Qin Jun is not interested in this. He sits in the bag and doesn't move.

Chen Ke'er and they went on stage and danced for a while. Suddenly, pan Tingting almost got up.

"Who is it?"

Although the voice was loud, it was still covered by the music. After shouting, everyone immediately looked back. A little hoodlum with bare hair stood behind pan Tingting.

Pan Tingting covers her buttocks and looks angry.

Pan Tingting has a good figure, and she is very involved in dancing. She suddenly feels that someone is touching her ass behind her, and then she gets angry.

"You're sick. Why do you touch my ass?"

Panting's eyes were staring and her face was angry.

That little yellow hair sneered, "touch your ass is to see you Sao, you twist in this, don't want to let the man touch it? What's so pure! "

Pan Tingting widened her eyes, "you fart! Your mother just let people touch, husband, he touch me

Pan Tingting is used to being arrogant and domineering, which will give these little gangsters face.

Gao Zhiwen has just offended pan Tingting. Now he has a chance to show off and kick in the past.


Gao Zhiwen kicked the little gangster's stomach, and the drunken little yellow hair was sprayed out of his stomach.

Flying out, falling under the dance floor, lying on the ground and vomiting.

People around take a look and don't take it seriously. Everything can happen in the bar. It's very common to drink too much and fight, so no one takes it seriously.

Gao Zhiwen is a little flustered, didn't expect that this foot was kicked and vomited?

"Tingting, let's go back first. Don't jump. Have a drink."

Gao Zhiwen pretended to be calm. In fact, he was a little flustered. He was afraid of being retaliated. He quickly took pan Tingting off the dance floor.

Although pan Tingting didn't take it seriously, she still followed Gao Zhiwen.

Several people back to the card bag, see Qin Jun has been sitting here drinking, panting cold hum.

"It's too boring. I don't even want to go dancing. I don't think this kind of honest person will be able to do anything."