Medical Master's World

Chapter 802

Lei Hong's face was embarrassed for a moment, and he quickly explained.

"No, Grandpa Hai, this is a friend I met in Donghai. He is a miracle doctor. I think you are not well recently. Let him come and have a look."

Haining frowned, "it's really nonsense. I don't have any physical problems. What's the matter with calling the doctor? Please go back."

Haining's attitude is very general, and even has made a speech to see off the guests.

Lei Hong said, "grandfather Hai, don't rush people even if you don't see a doctor. This is my friend."

Haining's face softened a little, "ha ha, since it's your friend, it doesn't matter, but don't talk about seeing a doctor again. I think this young man looks good. It's OK for you to talk about your love."

Leihong is blushed by Haining, and is helpless.

Make a wink to Qin Jun, two people don't continue on this topic.

Qin Jun frowned. This Haining is really a little tricky.

The most difficult thing for a doctor to treat a disease is that the patient doesn't cooperate with him. He doesn't want to be treated by Qin Jun because he is a taboo doctor. This patient is more difficult.

If you change to another doctor, the patient is so unworthy, I'm afraid he can't even diagnose the disease.

But fortunately, Qin Jun, although the patient is not worthy of harmony, but he is not helpless.

After all, it's Lei Hong's relatives and elders. Qin Jun should use more thoughts.

When Haining came to make tea, Qin Jun observed a little.

Thick tongue coating, drooping eyelids, red blood in eyes, a little halitosis.

This kind of sign can see that the body is sick, but the specific disease can not be judged.

"Here, young man, have tea."

Haining handed a cup of black tea to Qin Jun. Qin Jun took advantage of this opportunity and quickly reached out to meet him. By the way, he touched the old man's hands.

"Oh, be careful, old man!"

Qin Jun deliberately sprinkled some tea, grabbed the old man's wrist, and then let go.

In just two or three seconds, the pulse beat three or four times, but Qin Jun already knew it.

Haining didn't take it seriously. He didn't realize that Qin Jun was feeling his pulse.

He poured a cup of tea for Qin Jun again.

After a sip, the tea is good, but it's too hot.

The old man of the sea took up the tea cup. He didn't seem to notice that the tea was hot. He drank it directly and had a good aftertaste.

Qin Jun asked, "old man, the weather is so stuffy, I don't like to drink something cool."

The sea old son smile, "can't compare with you young people, I this age can't touch cool things, sleep at night have to cover quilt, health ah."

Qin Jun nodded and knew.

Cough, fear of cold, pulse thick, this is a typical solar disease.

There are many kinds of Taiyang disease, which is just a statement of traditional Chinese medicine, the most typical of which is stroke.

The sea master this is not a stroke, but the sun is empty.

Just as Qin Jun pondered how to continue to observe, a Bentley came in at the door and stopped directly at the gate of the yard.

This other hospital is divided by people and cars. Cars directly enter the parking lot. Even Lei Hong can't drive in.

But the car was able to come in. Obviously, it's a member of my family.

The car stopped in the yard, and a beautiful woman came down from the car.

He is tall and looks more than 1.75 meters. Qin Jun is almost less in high heels.

Wearing short skirts and professional clothes, it looks very tall. If these two legs walk on the road, the rate of turning back is absolutely 100%.

As soon as the woman got out of the car, she was surprised to see Lei Hong.

"Here comes red sister."

"Well, Yao Yao is back?"


Immediately after that, Yao Yao's face sank and looked at Haining.

"Grandfather, why are you still drinking tea at home? I asked you to go to the hospital for examination, OK?"