Medical Master's World

Chapter 786

Chen Yuan is also confused. Is Qin Jun too generous? With tens of millions of cars, just listen to the sound?

Chen Yuan frowned and asked Qin Jun.

"What's the matter with you? I asked you to pretend to be a multimillionaire. You've gone too far!"

This play is too much. Tens of millions of cars are not allowed. The price is at least tens of billions.

Qin Jun helpless, said, "I'm not for you to support the scene."

It's the first time for Qin Jun to do this kind of thing. He has no experience.

Chen Yuan rolled a white eye speechless, hurriedly pulled him to go inside.

The waste collector at the door is confused. How can he pick up a luxury car for nothing?

Although the gearbox is scrapped and the car can't drive, it's also a GTR. It can sell hundreds of thousands of second-hand parts. It's a real waste of money!

Dou Mingyang and others stood at the door and looked at each other, with doubts written on their faces.

You're kidding. There are tens of millions of cars. If you don't want them, you don't want them. I've never seen such a local tyrant before.

Dou Mingyang thought, "I guess it's a rented stunt car."

"Stunt car?" Deng Jia and others are full of doubts.

Dou Mingyang said, "you know the stunt car in the movie, the luxury car in the movie often crashes or destroys. How can it be a real car at such a big cost?"

"This is the kind of car Qin got. It's the props for making movies. It looks very powerful, but in fact it's not expensive. It's only a few hundred yuan a day."

"Plus, he hired an old man to act, and he put on a thousand and eight hundred yuan to make a force. This guy is really decent."

Dou Mingyang said so, everyone suddenly realized.

This explanation can be explained. After all, there are very few rich people who can easily throw tens of millions of cars on the road. There are not many rich people in the whole province, and they are still so young that they can't be sold by Chen Yuan.

"It's a rental stunt car. It's really powerful."

"Yes, in order to show off their wealth, they are all pretending to be rich, which is too hypocritical."

"If Dou Shao hadn't told us, we would have been cheated."

"That's right. When I took the bus just now, I felt that the car was very good. I thought it was a real car, but I didn't expect it was a prop car. It's funny."


If you don't look at Chen Yuan's face, they may be able to go in and scold Qin Jun.

Into the restaurant, private room inside the environment is very good, there are green goldfish, elegant environment.

After sitting down, everyone began to order.

When ordering, Deng Jia asked.

"It's said that brother Qin is a rich man. I don't know what business he does?"

Qin jundao, "in the pharmaceutical business."

Since he's here to show off, he can't say he's a doctor, or he'll be satirized by others about his work. Qin Jun has not experienced this kind of thing once or twice.

Deng Jia said, "Oh, no wonder you know Chen Yuan. You should make a lot of money in the pharmaceutical business. I think you drive such a good car, so you should buy it often?"

Deng Jia also looked down on Qin Jun and thought that he was a fake, so he deliberately introduced the topic to the car.

Qin Jun laughed, "it's OK. I don't have many cars. I don't have time to buy them recently. If necessary, just use them now and buy them now."