Medical Master's World

Chapter 775

Qin Jun did not care, said to the dog owner.

"There's no big problem, it can be cured on the spot."

After that, Qin turned over the dog's ears and began to rub them repeatedly. Then he stroked his back with his other hand.

A few minutes later, Qin Jun turned over the dog's paw and put a silver needle into his palm. Then, the dog stopped sneezing immediately, put out his tongue and wagged his tail, as if he had suddenly improved.

Jin Mao shook his body and rubbed in front of Qin Jun, as if to express his gratitude.

The audience immediately sneered, "it's so powerful to see a doctor for animals. Chinese medicine is really suitable to be a veterinarian."

"Ha ha, that's right. In my opinion, don't be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Be a veterinarian and benefit the animals."

"Let us have western medicine for human diseases, and let you have animal diseases."


Everyone in the audience crazy ridicule, think Qin Jun to veterinarian treatment scene is very funny, tomorrow must be a big news.

However, Jin Mao shook his body just now, and a lot of dog hair flew out of the air. Yang Wei was allergic to dog hair, and he sneezed all the time just now, but now it's more serious.

"Sneeze! A Xiao Sneeze

One by one, Yang Wei's face was full of tears and tears. He squatted on the ground and sneezed.

After more than a dozen sneezes, Yang Wei's face has turned red. His face is very ugly. At this time, he can hardly speak. He kneels on the ground and sneezes one by one.

Qu Ting rushed forward, "Yang Wei! are you all right? What should I do? Do you have any allergy medicine

At this time, Yang Wei sneezes all the time. Even if he has allergic drugs, he can't eat them, except for injection. However, there are no allergic drugs injected at the scene. If he goes to the hospital, I don't know how long it will take, and it will certainly delay a lot of time. At that time, Yang Wei is likely to suffocate.

Qu Ting panicked and her face became very ugly.

The host suddenly said, "please help Qin Jun!"

Qu Ting frowned, "no! I don't need his help to kill him! "

"Ahoo, cough, ahoo!"

Yang Wei's sneezing has been accompanied by coughing. His nasal discharge is bloody and looks very serious.

Yang Wei stretched out his hand and pointed to Qin Jun, which means let Qin Jun help!

Qu Ting frowned and looked a little flustered. After all, she was her boyfriend.

"Good! Dr. Qin Jun, please help

With a faint smile, Qin Jun came to Yang Wei.

At this time, Yang Wei knelt on the ground, his hands on the ground, his nose and tears, and he couldn't open his eyes.

Qin Jun turns his ears over and gently rubs the back of his ears.

as like as two peas, he pushed his arms around his neck and pushed them to his waist. The technique was exactly the same as the golden massage just now.

And Yang Wei is lying on the ground, just like a dog.

This scene made all the audience laugh.

Especially the group of traditional Chinese medicine who were ridiculed just now, they finally understood Qin Jun's good intentions. He didn't treat the dog to be humiliated.

But for a tooth for a tooth!

At this time, Qin Jun used the same method to treat Yang Wei's disease. Before that, everyone sarcastically said that traditional Chinese medicine was equal to veterinary medicine.

Now, Yang Wei equals the dog directly.

And miraculously, after less than 30 seconds of massage, Yang Wei's sneezing symptoms immediately relieved!

Qin Jun as like as two peas, took up Yang Wei's hand and stopped it with a silver needle. It was exactly the same as the action he had just done to the dog.

One shot down, on the spot.