Medical Master's World

Chapter 773

Several experts in the field of traditional Chinese medicine under the stage are full of praise for Qin Jun.

This side has been finished, and Qu Ting has just begun to put congestion, Qu ting a little flustered, in a hurry to bandage the patient.

It took about five minutes to finish.

The host said, "please two patients stand up and walk."

Voice down, the stage of Yang Wei to Qin Jun that patient made a wink, his turn to perform.

The patient nodded. In fact, Qin Jun cured him. Now he feels that his leg doesn't hurt at all, but he still has to do something after taking other people's money.

Qu Ting's patient stood up, limping, said with a smile.

"It doesn't hurt, but I'm still afraid to go."

Qu Ting light smile, "don't worry, tomorrow will be OK almost."

With Qu Ting's medical skills, it's hard to get instant results, and this disease can't be cured on the spot. It's qualified to make the patients better.

Looking at Qin Jun again, Qin Jun's patient gritted his teeth and stood up, pretending to be in pain. It seemed that every step would be very difficult.

With a faint smile, Qin Jun took up a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Don't worry, drink this glass of water before you leave."

The patient didn't care, so he took the cup. As soon as he put it in his hand, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Hot, hot!"

This full cup of boiling water, let the patient out directly.

The cup in his hand fell to the ground and broke. The boiling water splashed and fell on his feet. The patient felt a pain. His feet jumped up and began to "dance" on the ground

"Oh, it's so hot

The patient's feet are walking like flying. It's OK to jump in place. Naturally, it's OK to walk.

In an instant, the audience clapped. Most of the applause came from the colleagues of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the previous rounds of competition, western medicine won. These Chinese medicine practitioners were crushed, and they were a little embarrassed.

This time, someone finally came out and found the place for them.

Qu Ting's face is so ugly that she can't beat Qin Jun in this way. What a ghost!

Even so, Qin Jun still won.

In full view of the public, the referee had no choice but to announce Qin Jun's victory and Qu Ting's elimination.

After stepping down, Qu Ting began to cry.

Yang Wei held her in his arms and said, "Tingting, don't cry. I'm here. I'll take revenge for you!"

Finish saying, Yang Wei goes on stage directly!

As soon as Yang Wei came up, the scene was quiet.

After this round of elimination, the next round is the expert competition. In addition to the winners, there are experts in various fields who can enter the next round.

These experts don't need to compete, they are promoted directly.

And the competition of the expert group is not so complicated. It's a game.

After Yang Wei came up, he looked at Qin Jun and said with disdain.

"It's lucky for you to catch up with two patients who are easy to treat when you are young. Since you can treat them so well, how about I find a special patient for you?"

"If you're cured, I'll give up."

Qin Jun's face is expressionless, "although put horse to come over."