Medical Master's World

Chapter 771

"No, if you go on like this, you will lose! "

Qu Ting quickly takes out her mobile phone and sends a message to Yang Wei. Soon, a staff member on the stage comes to the old man and whispers.

"Sir, your boss fell down in the bathroom."


The old man stood up excitedly, ran backstage immediately, and went straight to the toilet. His wife had an accident, and he was really walking fast.

The host on the stage said.

"In the second set, Qu Ting won. Qu Ting won two consecutive sets. This time, Qu Ting won."

Ye Wan'er looks very ugly. What is this? This is the black curtain!

Just now, the old man ran out for no reason. It must be because of what the staff told him. We all have experience. If he really ran out because he had a bad stomach, it must not be like this. If he had a stomachache, he must have been running with his stomach covered.

Ye Wan'er got up and said, "is this too unfair? Just now that old man didn't go to the toilet because he didn't have a stomachache. Did you decide whether to win or lose without investigating? Is it too hasty? "

Ye Wan'er is usually very gentle, but being bullied is also a little angry.

The host said with a smile, "there's no way. That's how we judge the winning and losing. Sorry, Miss ye, you have been eliminated."

Ye Wan'er's face was pale and angry. She stepped down from the stage and sat back beside Qin Jun. her eyes were ruddy. It seemed that she was going to cry.

Qin Jun touched her head and comforted her.

Ye Wan'er pursed her lips and said, "it's too bullying. Since it's all settled, why compete?"

Qin Jun light smile, "don't worry, I go to you for justice."

Originally, Qin Jun was not going to play. After all, he was a little disdainful of this kind of competition.

But ye Wan'er suffered such unfair treatment, which made Qin Jun feel angry. Since you are unfair, let you see what rolling is.

Ye Wan'er Leng for a moment, "brother Jun, they are obviously cheating. Even if you go up, your medical skills will be buried by them."

Qin Jun said with a smile, "don't worry. In front of absolute medical skills, it's useless to carve insects."

After a round, Qu Ting successfully promoted.

At the beginning of the second round, Qu Ting's first opponent was Qin Jun.

First of all, the magic doctor competition is arranged according to the age as far as possible, and it's easy for people of similar age to be in a group.

In principle, it is also a western medicine and a traditional Chinese medicine, which is more attractive.

So it is expected that Qin Jun and Qu Ting will go up against each other.

Qu Ting sneered, "ye Wan'er has lost to me. You have the courage to come up. It's really funny."

Qin Jun's face was cold and did not speak.

After the two sat down, the first round patients came on.

They covered their arms in agony.

"These two patients are dislocated. Orthopedics is an important subject in our medical field, so this time we are competing for speed..."

When the host was introducing him, Qin Jun suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the patient's arm, pressed his shoulder with the other hand, and squeezed it with direct force.

With a click, the patient's arm came back.

The patient showed his teeth for a moment, then showed a surprised expression.

"All right? well! That's great! How fast

The doctors under the stage were in a daze.

Is that too fast?

The host's words haven't finished, Qin Jun has finished the treatment, and then look at Qu Ting, there's no time to check!