Medical Master's World

Chapter 769

Qu Ting sees this scene, the facial expression slightly changes, hastened to a middle-aged male doctor under the stage to make a color.

The doctor is Qu Ting's boyfriend, Yang Wei, an expert in the provincial central hospital.

It's a bit authoritative in this business, but the relationship between them has not been exposed, and many people don't know.

Yang Wei nodded and went backstage.

The host saw that both patients stood up, took out two microphones and handed them over.

"It seems that both patients are ready. In that case, let's start to test the treatment results."

The host finished and motioned the two patients to speak.

Qu Ting's face was a little white, and there was a faint sweat on her forehead. However, she picked up the microphone and spoke.

"Hello, everyone. I feel ok now. I can speak, but I'm sweating a little."

The voice was very weak, but I could hear it clearly. There were a lot of applause under the stage.

They're all experts. Who doesn't know what's going on?

The patient was sweating a little. At first sight, the overdose of the drug led to side effects.

However, everyone did not say a word. In order to win, it would be harmless to do some tricks. Anyway, the damage to the patient's body is not great, but this kind of behavior is not advocated.

Ye Wan'er saw this, her face showed a trace of satisfaction, it seems that this round should be her win.

Her patients don't have any side effects, and when they speak, they are full of air. The effect is definitely better.

And Qu Ting's patients also had side effects, her side of the scraping is no side effects, no matter how she should win.

The girl picked up the microphone, just about to speak, opened her mouth, but there was no voice.

Suddenly Leng for a while, the girl looked down at the microphone, face a little at a loss.

The host said suddenly.

"Qu Ting wins!"

With that, several staff members came up and helped the two patients down.

Ye Wan'er's face is at a loss. She quickly picks up the microphone.

"Hello, hello."

As soon as ye Wan'er picked it up, there was a voice again.

We don't know below, so it seems that ye Wan'er's patient doesn't have any symptom relief. She lost her voice before treatment, but after treatment, so the referee will conclude that ye Wan'er lost.

Ye Wan'er frowned, some speechless, "just this microphone does not work."

The patient was talking to her all the time. Obviously, she was already well. When she picked up the microphone, she also spoke, but only ye Wan'er heard it, and the audience didn't hear it.

During this period, there must have been some manipulation on the microphone!

Ye Wan'er stares back at Qu ting with anger on her face.

It's disgusting to play a fair competition with such a mean. Is there a black screen in a medical competition?

Qu Ting showed a trace of disdain on her face, sneered, sat back, and did not respond.

Fight with me. You're still young.

Qin Jun frowned under the stage. He can see that ye Wan'er's diagnosis is very accurate. The patient can't say a word. It's obvious that there's something wrong with it. It seems that the referee and Qu Ting are a little greasy.

But fortunately, he won two of the three games, only lost this game, and there is still a chance to move back.

Qu ting and ye Wan'er sit back again. Qu Ting inadvertently sweeps down the stage and picks Yang Wei's eyebrows, which makes them understand.

Ye Waner wants to win like this? Isn't that a dream?