Medical Master's World

Chapter 750

After that, boss Fang responded that he had said something wrong and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm too talkative. Thank you for not seeing it. I'm sorry, please use it slowly. I'll go first!"

With that, boss Fang rushed out.

Xie Huaqiang's face is gloomy, almost dripping water, the scene is extremely embarrassing.

Wang Yun even frowned, "is this broken watch so expensive? Qin, don't you collude with others to cheat us? "

Qin Jun took up his watch and put it back on his wrist, with a faint smile and no voice.

Wang Yun immediately said, "Xie Shao, see, he is the United boss deliberately cheat you, you don't mind."

Although Wang Yun's words gave him a step down, Xie Huaqiang could certainly tell the truth from the falsehood.

He also looked at this watch from a close range just now. It's really more advanced than his Rolex greenwater ghost. What's more, it's well founded. Boss Fang is an expert in this field and can't make it up.

But fortunately, there are steps down, Xie Huaqiang hardened his head and laughed a few times.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter whether it's a real watch or a fake watch. It's just a tool to watch time."

"By the way, I'll introduce you to a big boss today. I'll make a call."

With that, Xie Huaqiang took out his mobile phone to dial the number, just to ease the embarrassment.

Wang Yun is also relieved and looks forward to it. When they come to dinner this time, they mainly ask Xie Shao to introduce them to their contacts and introduce some provincial bosses or big names. In this way, they can get through the provincial capital market, which is very good for the development of the company.

"Hello, Mr. Chen? Yes, yes, I've arrived. Room 888, OK! "

Hang up the phone, Xie Huaqiang face to restore the kind of confident look, said with a smile.

"Men, the most important thing is career. In this society, contacts are extremely important. It's a very lucky opportunity for young people like you to make such friends. You should thank me for giving you this opportunity."

Xie Huaqiang looked at Qin Jun as if he had regained his previous sense of superiority.

What happened to his watch just now made him lose face, but in terms of contacts, he can absolutely make Qin Jun lose.

Wang Yun is a little excited, "Xie Shao, this Chen always..."

Xie Huaqiang said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen Dihao, have you heard of Dihao KTV?"

Wang Yun was stunned for a moment. "I've heard about it. I've also heard about many industries, such as Dihao Hotel, Dihao bar, Dihao Internet bar Are they all the same boss? "

Xie Huaqiang said, "yes, it's all the same boss, Mr. Chen Dihao, Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person. The underworld and the white are all able to eat freely. It's good for you to have more contact with him."

Wang Yun was so excited, "thank you so much. Do you want to prepare something?"

Xie Huaqiang thought, "Mr. Chen likes to drink Wuliangye. Let's go and buy two bottles of Wuliangye. There are famous cigarettes and wine outside. If you can't, you can take a taxi."

Zhu Linlin frowned, "no, it's not the same wine to drink. Besides, there's no Maotai in the shop?"

Xie Huaqiang said with a serious face, "can it be the same? You women don't understand. A lot of business is discussed at the wine table. If you want to make friends with noble people, you have to serve them at the wine table."

"Come on, go quickly. I'll give you a reimbursement when I buy it back, and I'll give you some running expenses."