Medical Master's World

Chapter 744

Hell's out of it, ice cream?

The little girl's ice cream?

He didn't even notice!

Qin Jun has even said it three times, but he didn't pay attention to it. He never thought it was because he scared the little girl's ice cream!

Yama is the king of killers. In Qin Jun's eyes, he is just a passer-by. If he didn't scare Qin Ya's ice cream, maybe Qin Jun didn't pay attention to him at all.

Yama felt that this was the biggest insult to him in his life.

"You want to die!"

He was pinched by his neck and squeezed these words out of his teeth.

Then the two of them grabbed Qin Jun's arms and knocked on each other's heels. With a clang sound, a three centimeter long sharp blade popped out of the tip of their right foot!

The king of hell kicked Qin Jun's body. As a professional killer, he was covered with weapons. This knife was poisoned. If you touch it, you will die!

There was a sneer on Qin Jun's face. He was the king of hell who could resist so many people.

Qin Jun's arm suddenly pressed down!


The king of hell is like a chicken in Qin Jun's hand. He was smashed on the ground hard. With two clicks, his legs hurt, and he was cut off directly!

The poisoned blade was directly embedded in the ground.


The king of hell screamed. He could not believe that the power of Qin Jun was so strong.

"I'll give you another chance to apologize to my sister."

"Yes I'm sorry! I have money here. I'll buy it for you again... "

No matter how hard the bones are, they can't bear the pain of the broken limbs. Yama takes out a handful of money from his pocket and throws it away.

Qin Jun then let go of his neck and pinched it twice on his shoulder.

Click twice, Yama's two shoulder bones are broken!

There is no doubt about Qin Jun's strength. He made it by himself. I'm afraid no one can recover it except himself.

Yama's limbs were abandoned, and he collapsed directly on the ground, like a dead man. His face was as pale as ashes, and his eyes were full of despair.

When Lei Hong saw this scene, she was shocked.

Mr. Qin is so powerful that he can't hold on to such a person as Yama!

If Qin Jun goes to be a killer, he is definitely the top in the industry!

But the reason why he didn't go must be because people despised him.

The identity of the top killer is despised at all.

Lei Hong calms down for a moment, and quickly comes forward to interrogate the king of hell. It's a pity that the king of hell can't move his limbs and can move his neck. The sharp edged knife he just wanted was right next to his neck. His head tilted and he stabbed himself directly.

Lei Hong sighed. I'm afraid the employer can't ask.

"Thanks to you, Mr. Qin. I have written down the kindness."

"You're welcome, red sister."

Lei Hong thought about it, lowered her head and said with a little blush.

"Mr. Qin, don't be a red sister. It's so strange. If you don't dislike it Just call me Xiao Hong. "


"I won't see you off, Mr. Qin. I'll take care of it here."

Qin Jun nodded and took Yaya away directly. Then he went back and bought an ice cream. Yaya was very happy.

Accompanied Qin Yaya to play all afternoon, reluctantly sent her back to school.

Later, Qin Jun made a call to Zhu Linlin and wanted to ask her how the money was handled. As a result, Zhu Linlin didn't answer several phone calls.