Medical Master's World

Chapter 739

Yuan Shaoqiang broke glass all over his body. Looking at the way Qin Jungang stabbed Chen Dihao's head with silver needles, he felt his scalp numb, but he still gritted his teeth.

"Don't do this with me, you'll kill me! I don't believe "


Before yuan Shaoqiang finished, Qin Jun waved his right hand, and a silver needle flew out and directly penetrated into yuan Shaoqiang's eyebrows.


Yuan Shaoqiang sprayed blood on the spot, turned his eyes and died.

Thunder red immediately a surprised, hurriedly go up to check, pressed the artery on the neck, as expected, dead thoroughly.

Seeing the silver needle in the center of his eyebrows, Lei Hong's pupil shrank and felt a trace of fear.

Mr. Qin, it's really so powerful!

She once asked Lao Quan before that in the hospital, Qin Jun really grabbed the gun with his bare hands, and pinched the gun barrel with one hand, which Lao Quan saw with his own eyes.

It can be seen that Mr. Qin is not an ordinary person, and his identity is not just an ordinary doctor.

Today, seeing Qin Jun's hand, Lei Hong is even more amazing. A small silver needle can kill people, and it's still a wave in the air.

The speed, the strength, the accuracy, it's better than a pistol.

Who do such people want to kill? Isn't it like searching for something?

As soon as yuan Shaoqiang died, Chen Dihao was even more scared. His legs were weak and he almost couldn't get up.

Lei Hong said, "Chen Dihao, can you see clearly? If you have Mr. Qin's idea, your end will be worse than that. "

Chen Dihao nodded again and again. Before Qin Jun made this small knot in his eyebrow, in fact, he didn't take it seriously.

I think it's just a zit. I'll go back and ask some Chinese medicine experts about it. Maybe it's OK.

But seeing Qin Jun's killing with a flying needle just now, he was really scared. He knew that this man was really hard to provoke.

Qin Jun went to Chen Dihao and looked at his hand nailed to the tea table.

Hold his wrist with his left hand and draw the knife with his right.


Chen Dihao clenched his teeth, but he didn't feel too much pain, just a hint of coolness.

When Qin Jun pressed his wrist, there was a silver needle between his index finger and middle finger. The silver needle stuck on his wrist, which made him feel nothing.

Normally, the knife has penetrated the back of the hand and cut the meridians. Once it is pulled out, it will definitely cause a lot of bleeding.

However, when Qin Jun pulled out his sword, Chen Dihao didn't even feel it.

Later, Qin Jun used several silver needles to prick the acupoints to stop the bleeding.

"If you go out and bandage yourself, it's OK."

Chen Dihao said respectfully. "Thank you, Mr. Qin, thank you, red sister!"

Lei Hong nodded, looked at Jiang Nana and asked, "Mr. Qin, where is she?"

Jiang Nana's face was pale, and she stepped back a few steps with a look of horror.

"No, don't kill me, Linlin. Linlin, help me!"

Zhu Linlin frowned, how to say Jiang Nana is also her best friend, although today this matter was her pit, but years of love is still.

Zhu Linlin took Qin Jun's arm and said, "brother Jun, let her go."

Qin Jun nodded, "go away."

Jiang Nana, in the face of amnesty, rushed out without a stop. Today's bloody scene will never be forgotten in her life.