Medical Master's World

Chapter 734

Zhu Linlin frowned. The bridge crossing fee of 30 million yuan is really not cheap.

However, companies borrow funds from each other, which is basically the price. It's not too much to say that it's usury.

Fortunately, they only need to borrow money for 20 days. This kind of interest is not bad.

"Mr. Yuan, what do you mean by on call?"

Yuan Shaoqiang light smile, "how, this does not understand? It means that I don't need the 20 day bridge toll, but during the loan period, as long as I want to play with women, I'll call you and you'll have to come over and let me play. Am I straightforward enough? "

Zhu Linlin's face suddenly changed and she clapped her hands.

"Mr. Yuan! Please show some respect

Seeing Zhu Linlin's anger, yuan Shaoqiang frowned.

"What are you pretending to be? Didn't I make it clear to you before I came to borrow money? Do you think my money came from strong wind? 100 million loan, 30 million interest, just let you sleep with me for a few days. Do you really think you are a high-end product? "

Zhu Linlin's face was livid, and she was shaking with anger.

Looking at Jiang Nana, she was very angry.

Jiang Nana's face was a little embarrassed. Before she came, she didn't make it clear to Zhu Linlin. She thought she could understand it with a hint.

Jiang Nana quickly put down the microphone and went to Zhu Linlin.

"Linlin! What are you doing, Mr. Yuan? This is to give you an opportunity. Otherwise, where can you get 100 million yuan? Besides, Mr. Yuan doesn't need interest. 30 million yuan is only 20 days. If you can bear it, it will be over! "

Zhu Linlin heard this, almost no gas curse.

"Jiang Nana! What do you think of me as? Do you think I'm selling it? "

Jiang Nana speechless, "I didn't say that. I don't think Mr. Yuan is very good. Do you want to set you up! Mr. Yuan is a big boss. If you have such a husband to support you, will you worry about money in the future? "

Zhu Linlin really doesn't know what to say. She takes Jiang Nana as her good friend. Unexpectedly, Jiang Nana has cheated her. How did Sanguan become like this in the past few years when she went abroad?

"Nana, no, I won't borrow the money. I'll go."

Zhu Linlin can't stay any longer and is ready to leave.

Yuan Shaoqiang frowned, suddenly stood up and stopped Zhu Linlin.

"Mr. Zhu asked me to come all the way, but you said you would not borrow it? Do you think I'm a hero and play with me? "

Zhu Linlin frowned and resented the man in front of her.

"What do you want?"

Yuan Shaoqiang snorted coldly, "for you, I just drove those girls away. You accompany me once. That's all."

"You dream!" Zhu Linlin was angry.

Yuan Shaoqiang sneered, "it's up to you."

With that, yuan Shaoqiang took off his coat and showed his fat. As soon as he reached out, he was about to grope for Zhu Linlin.

Suddenly, Qin Jun raised his foot.


Qin Jun directly kicked yuan Shaoqiang's fat belly. Because he had no clothes on, he could clearly see the power of Qin Jun's foot and nearly burst his stomach.

Yuan Shaoqiang flew out and fell on the glass tea table. He smashed the tea table. His back was full of blood and pieces of glass.

Yuan Shaoqiang's face turned red. He was like a big worm on the ground. After struggling for a long time, he stood up.

"You dare to beat me, you want to die, you waste, you waste!"