Medical Master's World

Chapter 729

If you think about Lei Hong, who is now the provincial capital, no matter in terms of financial resources or strength, it must be quite strong.

Qin Jun didn't care, so he put it away.

Just put it away, suddenly the phone rings. It's Zhu Linlin. They chatted a few words, but they haven't seen each other for some time.

Since the quarrel with Zhu family, Zhu Linlin's family has moved back to their own house. They haven't been with the old lady for a long time. They have basically broken off their relationship.

Qin Jun has not been there for a long time.

"Just in time, I have a present for you later."

Qin Jun smiles. Zhu Linlin is lucky. If she hadn't called at this time, Qin Jun can't remember who he gave the ruby to.

Soon, Qin Jun arrived at Zhu Linlin's house. As soon as he came in, he heard the bustle inside and heard the laughter of women.

After entering the room, I saw three members of Zhu Linlin's family and a young woman sitting on the sofa.

"Brother Jun, here you are. This is my best friend Jiang Nana. She studied abroad before, and now she's finally back."

As soon as Qin Jun came in, Wang Yun didn't look good, especially after she moved out of Qingmei manor.

Always thinking about how to cheat Qin Jun's house.

After Qin Jun came in, Wang Yun and Jiang Nana winked at each other. Jiang Nana gave Qin Jun a look with her spare light and immediately frowned.

"Hello." Qin Jun out of politeness, normal greeting.

Jiang Nana really frowned and said in a strange way, "what's good? When I'm not here, I've hooked up with my best friend. Do you agree with me?"

"To tell you, I met you today. I'm very disappointed with you. I strongly disagree with you and Linlin!"

Jiang Nana's mouth was aggressive and impolite.

Qin Jun frowned, "what are you talking about?"

Jiang Nana sneered, "what's wrong with me?"

"I've got your details. It seems that you have nothing more than the ancestral home that your family left you, the former rich family and now the doctor in the hospital?"

"I've heard that Linlin has been helping me find a job recently? Let Linlin feed you? You don't think Linlin can marry you if you have a house, do you? "

"I'll tell you, I'll never allow my best friend to marry you for a man like you!"

Jiang Nana's tone was not good, she was staring at her eyes, and she was very angry.

Qin Jun frowned and sneered.

"You don't need to know what I am. You can't know by your identity."

"As for me and Linlin, we are not at the point of marriage."

"Even if you really talk about marriage, it's not your turn to interrupt."

"What are you to say I'm not qualified?"

A few words from Qin Jun made Jiang Nana's face very blue.

"You How dare you say that to me

Zhu Linlin quickly pulled Jiang Nana aside, "Nana! What are you doing? Why do you say that, brother Jun? "

Jiang Nana was out of breath, pinching her waist and gasping.

"I'll tell you what happened to him. He's a toad who wants to eat swan meat. He even says that I'm nothing. I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

"Linlin, you say he's like this. How can he compare with John?"

Zhu Linlin frowned, "Nana, don't talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with John."

Jiang Nana snorted, "you don't think it's OK. John likes you. Otherwise, how could he come all the way back from the United States for you?"