Medical Master's World

Chapter 711

Tian Lu is just an 18 line singer, not many fans, but this kind of micro blog announcing the relationship between men and women is still very popular, there are many comments immediately.

"Oh, God, the goddess of the field has a master!"

"Talented and beautiful, congratulations."

"Ah, my goddess, why do you have a man But congratulations. "


Suddenly, a man thought this man was familiar, and then Aite gave Su Wenqi a look.

"You see, does this look like master Qin?"

Qin Jun was wearing a mask and a white coat when he was on the show, so he couldn't see any physical features. However, when Su Wenqi had an affair before, there were several blurred photos.

The clothes in those photos are similar to Qin Jun's, so they look like a person.

Su Wenqi just finished recording the program, looked at her mobile phone, and found that there were several people who sent private messages to her.

Looking at Tian lufa's photo, Su Wenqi frowned.

What the hell is this?

Agent Tian Jie is also a Leng, "Wenqi, isn't this your boyfriend? What's the relationship with Tian Lu? "

Su Wenqi frowned, looking a little unhappy, "check it."

Soon, we got the news.

"It seems that Tian Lu and Qin Jun are classmates in junior high school. They have a reunion today."

Su Wenqi snorts coldly. It seems that Tian Lu is hyping.

Qin Jun even if looking for a girlfriend, it is impossible to find Tian Lu like this.

Tian Lu looks very pure on the surface, but in fact she has a bad reputation in the circle. She belongs to the kind who looks for gold owners everywhere but can't find them, so she hasn't been on fire.

If on weekdays Su Wenqi is too lazy to deal with this kind of people, but he is actually involved in Qin Jun, Su Wenqi naturally can't bear it.

"Kill her."

Tian Jie nodded, "OK, I'll contact you."

Su Wenqi is also an artist. She doesn't have such strong ability to block anyone she wants.

But Su Jie's face will be given by everyone. After all, Tian Lu is a small artist, and no one cares about her. Tian Lu doesn't even have a brokerage company. She doesn't even have anyone to do PR for her.

After su Wenqi made a few phone calls, Tian Lu exploded in an instant.

"Damn, how did my microblog get blocked?"

Tian Lu was very puzzled when her microblog account was blocked. She took out her mobile phone to contact her agent. She just sent out a message and found that she had been hacked!

Tian Lu is so confused that her agent has hacked her?

Tian Lu is such a "wild artist". She only has an agent, but there is no economic company. Her daily commercial performances rely on her agent to contact her. Now her agent has blacked her, and Tian Lu suddenly looks silly.

I called people quickly, but after several calls, I contacted my friends in the circle. Either I hacked, or I didn't answer. Some of them shut down directly.

What's more, I didn't save Tian Lu's phone. When I answered the phone, I heard it was Tian Lu and hung up directly.

Tian Lu is silly. What's the matter? What happened?

Can anyone explain that?

Tian Lu online search, even her own Baidu Encyclopedia are not found.

Finally, after a long time, a friend sent her a wechat.

"Tian Lu, you've offended people. You've been banned. Alas, don't say what I told you. I've also blacked you."