Medical Master's World

Chapter 702

When Qin Jun took out the car keys, everyone was confused.

The first instinct is that Qin Jun drives for people.


But in retrospect, it seems that something is wrong. Qin Jun is not a doorman, and he has not contacted Tian Lu for so many years. How can he drive for others?

And Tian Lu's face is even worse. This car Is it Qin Jun's?

Originally, she was sitting in this car just to be forced. In the eyes of these students, she is a person of the upper class. Such a luxury car can highlight her identity.

And the car owner is definitely not her classmate, just pretend to be forced to leave.

Unexpectedly, this is Qin Jun's car?!

After two drops, everyone got out of the way. Qin Jun threw the key to Ren Lu and said.

"Here you are. Do you like it?"

Ren road stares big eyes, "lie trough, true or false?"

I opened the door and sat in. Ren Lu was really surprised.

"It's really a Bugatti concept car. It's interior upholstery, it's a sense of technology. It's said that 100 km acceleration is less than four seconds..."

In the end, he is knowledgeable. Although Ren Lu has never driven such a good car, he still knows it very well.

He never dreamed that Qin Jun would give him such an expensive thing.

"Lao Qin, are you kidding?"

Qin Jun smile, "of course not, the car belongs to you, but you drink, don't drive."

"Good, good!"

Ren Lu got out of the car. He was very surprised.

How can Qin Jun be a local tyrant?

In the past, when the Qin family was very young, even with the financial resources of the Qin family, it was impossible to say that tens of millions of cars were given to a classmate, right?

Ren Lu is a little surprised.

The other students looked at each other and took a taxi to the KTV in the second inning.

On the way, everyone chatted in the group.

"What wealth did you make? How did you buy such a good car? "

There is no Ren Lu and Qin Jun in the group, so the chat is not taboo.

"Who knows if it's rented? Can he afford tens of millions of cars? And you didn't hear him say that he wanted to give them to Ren Lu. "

" even if he really has money and can afford it, it's bullshit that he can give away people? "

"That's right. It's not the same concept to be able to afford tens of millions of cars as to be able to afford tens of millions of cars for free, OK?"

Seeing the discussion, Yu Qiang couldn't sit still and gave a sneer.

"Don't tease me. You don't know who Ren Lu is. It's not easy for me to rent a sports car because I work under my hands and work in the automobile industry."

"Yes, Renlu is also a salesman. It should be very easy to get a car. Is it difficult for these two people to act here?"

"It must be acting. The two of them rent a car together and act in front of their classmates. It's not uncommon in the news."

"What's their purpose? Mr. Yu knows it. What's in front of him?"

What they discussed is that Ren Lu works for Yu Qiang. The relationship between the superior and the subordinate is that if you have money or not, it's clear to everyone. Why pretend?

When Yu Qiang says this, it's not true?

When Yu Qiang saw the discussion, he made another humble expression.

"Their goal must be to cheat female students, let them think that Qin Jun is still rich, and then coax them into bed."

"I can't rely on such a cheap way?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Qin Jun is no longer the young man of that year. Ten years later, no one can say what he has become. Maybe he really wants to cheat money and sex."