Medical Master's World

Chapter 699

Everyone was stunned for a moment. It seems that this is the truth.

"But the waiters just said that, what if it was a promotion?"

Yu Qiang snorted, "promotion? Do you think it's possible? I usually book this shop by phone ten days in advance. Do people need to promote their sales? "

Everyone was silent, as if it was true. Even if it was a promotion, it was impossible to send such expensive sake.

"Mr. Yu, what's the matter?"

After thinking about it, Yu Qiang said in a low voice,

"I doubt it was the wrong delivery."

"Wrong delivery?"

"Yes! Maybe one of us is regarded as a friend of the boss or other VIP, so we can send such expensive wine. Please don't open it. If you make a mistake, maybe we will pay for it at last. "

As soon as Yu Qiang said that, everyone was afraid to move. This is a 50:00 bottle of wine. They were already very extravagant after a meal of 888. It would take them half a life to drink another 50 thousand.

This kind of luxury can't even be consumed by Yu Qiang. We can only look at it.

After such a thing, the sense of superiority of these people here was wiped out in an instant.

There's nothing to be bullied about. The waiters gave me a few wrong bottles of wine, and they didn't dare to drink them. They were afraid that they would have to pay the bill in the end. This kind of high-end consumption place is not easy to come to.

Fifty thousand yuan is the income of many people for half a year or even a year.

Qin Jun and Ren Lu are very happy, and they don't care what they say. Qin Jun directly opens a bottle of wine and pours it on Ren Lu.

It's normal for friends to have a drink when they meet.

See Qin Jun open wine, Yu Qiang and others immediately surprised.

"You Mr. Qin! What are you doing! "

Qin Jun frowned, "what's the matter?"

Yu strong enough gas, "this wine is not included in the buffet!"

Qin Jun is a little impatient, "I know. I'll pay later. You don't have to pay."


With that, Qin Jun continued to drink with Ren Lu.

Yu Qiang's face is blue. He can really pretend to be a bully! In case of 50, we'll see how you check out later!

Everyone was eating and chatting, but the atmosphere was obviously not as active as just now, and they were all worried.

The delicious food on the table was tasteless, but Qin Jun and Ren Lu had a good talk.

Full of wine and food, Yu Qiang went out ahead of time and told everyone.

"Let's have a AA system. Let's pay for it later."

With that, Yu Qiang quickly went out to check out and bought her and Aileen's.

The waiter was stunned, "Sir, aren't you together?"

Yu Qiang quickly said, "no, no, we have AA system. We buy our own. You can settle it quickly."

Yu Qiang is afraid that the money of Qin Jun and Ren Lu will be charged to him.

The waiter said, "OK."

I thought how to eat with Mr. Qin, but I still need AA system. Are these people sick?

We continue to buy the bill, Qin Jun and Ren Lu are still not finished, but also get up to pay the bill.

To the front desk, the waiter said directly.

"Sir, we'll give you two free tickets. This is Xue Shao's shop."

Qin Jun was stunned for a moment and nodded. It turned out that it was Xue Dalin's shop.

A little money, Qin Jun did not care, directly turned to go.

But Yu Qiang frowned and said suddenly.

"Waiter, they also opened two bottles of sake. Have a good look."

Yu Qiang belongs to the mouth owe, of course, he is also afraid to implicate him, this meal is his reservation, in case something happens, people can't find Qin Jun, then look for him, it's not worth the loss.