Medical Master's World

Chapter 664

Seeing that Lin Yueyao was also holding a red staff ticket, no one dared to blame her. She quickly asked her to find a seat and sit down.

Lin Yueyao sat down and looked around for a long time, but she didn't see where Qin Jun was.

I sent him a wechat.

"Here I am. Where are you?"

Qin Jun is ready to go on stage, but his mobile phone is gone.

After waiting for a long time to reply, Lin Yueyao gave up. In fact, she was quite puzzled that Qin Jun could get tickets for such a grand meeting? There are two things.

However, although this guy's medical skills are not very good, he has become a specialist in his hospital. Obviously, his position is higher than Lin Yueyao's.

It's just that Lin Yueyao hasn't adapted for a while.

Director Gao has settled in all the audience, and after communicating with other staff, the countdown begins.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Live

With a single order, all the audience will be quiet. These audiences are all selected, so no one will make trouble. The stage is full of their predecessors, teachers and experts. It's too late for them to study modestly. Of course, they won't make trouble.

The host is Xiaolan, a sister of CCTV.

Xiaolan, dressed in a professional suit, is solemn and generous. She comes out from the backstage and says to the camera.

"Today is the conference of traditional Chinese medicine that we have been looking forward to for a long time."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is the essence of the country. It has been handed down from China for five thousand years and is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors."

"Today, we have the honor to invite the top Chinese medical masters to explain Chinese medicine to us and make on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment."

"Next, let's welcome master Zhao Hongyan, master of national medicine in Beijing, special expert of Beijing People's hospital!"

"Master of Liaodong national medicine, President of Liaodong traditional Chinese Medicine Association, specialist of Liaodong Cancer Hospital, Master Sun Changhai!"


With the introduction of the host, the experts came out one by one. They were all 60 years old, dressed in white coats, wrinkled face, and looked quite elegant.

There are two rows of seats on the stage, and there is a hospital bed in the middle. Instruments and tools are ready beside it. It seems that it is necessary to treat patients on the spot.

And in the middle, there is a platform, the position of the platform has not been up.

The host didn't say it until the end.

"Next, let's welcome the keynote doctor of this conference, special expert of people's Hospital, master Qin!"

After that, there was a rare applause.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, just clapping out of politeness instinct.

They looked at each other and were a little puzzled.

Who is this?

Master Qin?

People's hospital specialist? No more?

There are so many experts who have been introduced by others, such as the master of traditional Chinese medicine, the president of traditional Chinese Medicine Association, but there is nothing here?

Just a title, not even a master of traditional Chinese medicine?

However, several people's hospitals, including Lin Yueyao, were excited.

Master Qin!

Other people don't know Master Qin, but people in the people's hospital do. Master Qin is just like a God in their small circle. It's amazing that several consecutive operations have brought several important patients back from the ghost door.

This method is amazing, and they are absolutely convinced by the medical skills.

I also think that master Huang has passed away. Who can be the chief physician? Unexpectedly, it's master Qin!

Lin Yueyao also clenched her fist excitedly. Is it master Qin? Is it really master Qin! She has never met master Qin!