Medical Master's World

Chapter 653

It seems to be a simple understatement, but every detail shows the style of an expert.

Only when a real master knows every disease like the palm of his hand, can he achieve this level.

Qin Jun's hand shocked the three slightly.

This young man, it's not easy!

Zhao Likun's faint smile, "doctor Yan, how about Mr. Qin?"

Doctor Yan's face was slightly embarrassed and nodded, "it's really good to have such attainments at a young age."

It's not easy for him to make too many comments. After all, the patient he didn't cure was cured by Qin Jun. if he said too much, wouldn't he beat himself in the face?

Director Gao is very satisfied with Qin Jun's performance. He is well founded and has a great family style. Although he is young, he gives people the feeling of a master.

This is self-confidence, confidence and confidence, which is the only way to achieve such performance.

"Well, we'll take the second patient?"


The second patient, an aunt, looks like she is in her fifties. She has a bloated figure and a simple dress. She looks like she is from the countryside.

Aunt a face of pain came up, covering the left chest position, sat in the seat.

"Auntie, what's wrong?"

Aunt pointed to his armpit position, said.

"It hurts."

As soon as the aunt spoke, the three experts frowned. This is a difficult patient.

There is a big difference between people. Some people are not good at expressing themselves, especially the rural women who can't speak.

They don't know how to describe their pain. Some patients can't even distinguish between needling pain and colic, which causes great trouble to doctors.

This patient was obviously like this. She pointed out the general range, and didn't say any specific pain method or any specific pain method.

I don't know whether it's the arm, armpit or chest, so it's very difficult to make a diagnosis. It's all up to the doctor.

What's more, the sensitive parts of female patients are troublesome both in diagnosis and treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not like western medicine, the proportion of men and women is almost the same, the probability of traditional Chinese medicine is male, there are few female traditional Chinese medicine, so there are very few for gynecology.

Generally there are female patients to see a doctor, gynecology, or breast, basic to send them to the West hospital.

Qin Jun's face didn't have any expression fluctuation. He stretched out his hand and squeezed the patient's arm.

"Does it hurt here?"

The patient shook his head.

Qin Jun pressed his armpit again.


The patient shook his head again.

Qin Jun clenched his fist and pushed the side of the patient's chest with his joints.


As soon as the patient closed his eyes, he hissed, "yes, that's it. It's very painful."

Seeing that Qin Jun was so calm, several old experts looked at each other.

This boy is so calm at a young age, and there is no embarrassment in showing sensitive parts to female patients. This kind of mentality can not be exercised in a year or two.

Even these old experts sometimes avoid suspicion when they see a doctor.

However, the more averse, the more embarrassing between patients. It's not as good as Qin Jun's treatment. He doesn't care about sex at all. On the contrary, it can make patients more relaxed.

Qin jundao, "preliminary judgment, should be breast disease, first pulse."

Aunt bared her teeth and handed her hand to her, and began to feel her pulse.

The three experts began to whisper.

"Breast diseases basically need to be treated both inside and outside. It's not convenient without a female nurse assistant, is it?"