Medical Master's World

Chapter 553

Before she contacted several satellite TV stations, she wanted to participate in the interview program. Su Wenqi's story must be described in great detail in front of the TV, and then produce evidence to convince the public. Otherwise, relying on public relations articles is nonsense, and many people will not go to see such articles at all.

Sister Tian asked, "interview with Ma Rui, this is the first interview program in China. Of course, we are willing to go, but the content of the interview..."

"Of course, it's the negative news about Miss Su recently. We know that it should be framed, right?"

"Yes! It's very wise of you. We'll be ready. When shall we start recording? "

"As soon as possible, tonight will be fine!"

"All right, all right, let's get ready!"

Hang up the phone, Tian Jie finally showed a smile.

"That's great. We've been invited to interview Ma Rui. Let's prepare the manuscript for Wenqi and record it in the evening!"

Ma Rui interview is the most famous one in the whole interview program. Ma Rui is famous for her high Eq. she has interviewed a lot of first-class celebrities, but those who participated in their program were all national first-class actors. Some seniors, such as Su Wenqi, were hot, but they were too young to go up.

This time, we finally have a chance. If the effect of the program is good, the storm should be perfectly resolved.

Su Wenqi is a little puzzled, "CCTV a set, Ma Rui interview? How did they get in touch with me? Sister Tian, did you operate it for me? "

Sister Tian shook her head. "How can I have such a great ability? I thought you asked for help? "

Su Wenqi shook his head, "it's not me."

This is strange. CCTV is a super large TV station. It's not supposed to take the initiative to contact entertainment artists like her. Those who can be on CCTV programs are old artists or national first-class actors. I don't know why they suddenly contacted Su Wenqi this time.

CCTV a set, do not need to rub this heat, right?

"Don't worry about it. Prepare the manuscript for the evening first. Be sure to be prepared!"

"Well." Su Wenqi did not dare to be careless, and quickly began to prepare.

After the program was recorded, it was broadcast directly the next day.

The incident between Su Wenqi and the four black people has become a hot topic, so there is no need to publicize it at all. Everyone is very concerned about it.

Moreover, the interview with Ma Rui is a golden program of CCTV, which is well known to every family. Every time the guests are invited, they are heavyweight.

There is no doubt that Su Wenqi, who was invited this time, is also a weight class. However, unlike previous guests, Su Wenqi has been on this program so young. It seems unusual.

At the beginning of the interview, Ma Rui is a very beautiful hostess with short hair and very capable.

At the beginning, I had a brief talk with Su Wenqi about her development history, and then I got to the point.

Ma Rui said, "Wenqi, two days ago, there was a noisy incident. I believe many audiences want to know the truth just like me. Today, let's take this opportunity to talk about it with us."

Su Wenqi nodded, still a cold look, this is her setting in front of the camera.

Then, Su Wenqi took out two pieces of paper from the next folder and said.

"This is the diagnosis of the people's hospital. I was drugged on the day of the incident."

"Another one is the Public Security Bureau's case filing list. The police have been involved in the investigation."