Medical Master's World

Chapter 529

Owen gritted his teeth. "Well, you can't cure it!"

Ma Hanxing said, "then you can invite someone else."

They are too lazy to deal with this kind of people. It's good to die. Who will treat you?

The doctor can't treat himself. He can't examine himself or cure himself. The itching is unbearable and his head is dizzy.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Owen. You can't hold on!"

Owen raised his head and bit his teeth. He just refused to apologize. He stared at Qin Jun and others fiercely, as if full of anger.

Several reporters quickly said, "doctors, if Mr. Owen has an accident with you, I'm afraid it will have an international impact. Please treat him immediately!"

Ma Hanxing frowned, "what's your attitude? If you ask for help, you should have the appearance of asking for help. He didn't ask us to treat the disease. We don't care. He loves to die or not."

A foreign reporter snorted coldly, "Mr. Owen is an internationally renowned expert. If he dies in your Chinese medicine street, you can't open your street any more. The international public opinion will overwhelm you. If you don't believe it, try it!"

"You threaten me?" Ma Hanxing and others are very upset. It's supposed to treat the sick and save the people. But these foreigners are too self righteous. They think that they are foreigners and have a higher status than Chinese?

Qin jundao said, "if you have nothing to do, you can cure it. What they say is reasonable."

"Master Qin!"

Master Qin actually wanted to do it. They were a little upset. It was too humiliating. Owen satirized them so much that now he had to do it to save him. He would not be grateful for saving him. This kind of thing is really frustrating.

But Qin Jun smiles and looks at Ma Hanxing.

"Master Ma, there is a millstone in your backyard, isn't there?"

Ma Hanxing was stunned, "yes."

Qin Jun nodded, "OK, please move to the backyard."

After that, they followed Ma Hanxing to the backyard of his hospital. As expected, there was a grinding plate on which the donkey was pulling to grind some small powder.

Ma Hanxing unloaded the donkey and led it to one side, leaving the millstone.

Qin Jun said, "take some musk, dry Peony..."

Qin Jun said a lot of medicinal materials, basically dry, and then let Ma Hanxing prepare.

These herbs are common spare parts. They were quickly taken over. Then Qin Jun put the herbs in the grinding plate and said to Owen.

"Mr. Owen, if you want to be cured, please take off your coat."

At this time, Owen has been unable to resist, allergies make him suffer to death, quickly take off his coat, bare arms, revealing a body weight.

"Please come here, grab this stick and push hard!"

Owen frowned, a little incredulous, but tried, grabbed the stake and began to grind.

The powder was ground out and scattered in the air, falling on Owen's body, suddenly a comfortable feeling ushered in.

And the stake was very ticklish. Owen pushed and rubbed his body in front of him.

Qin Jun said with a smile, "Dr. Owen, if I want to be quick, I still have some ways. I can cover my eyes and cooperate with carrots. It will be more effective."

Owen snorted coldly, "if you have a faster one, don't bring it quickly!"

Ma Hanxing chuckled and quickly took the blindfold and carrot.

So far, all the Chinese people can see what's going on, and the foreigners still don't know.

Owen was blindfolded, bare - chested, chewing carrots in his mouth, pushing and grinding slowly, just like a donkey.