Medical Master's World

Chapter 474

No, it's OK. It's really a shock.

Huang Yan's belly was originally densely covered with pregnancy marks, and the interval between each line was about one centimeter.

But now, stria gravidarum directly less than half, and the remaining those lines also fade a lot.

Huang Yan suddenly surprised, she also used a lot of scar products, but never a product can be so effective, instant effect ah!

And after taking it, I didn't feel any abnormal. I just removed a layer of dead skin, and the skin was as white and tender as that of the newborn.

The rest of those residual stria gravidarum also fade a lot, according to this progress, take two pairs of drugs should be able to heal it?

Huang Yan was so surprised that she rushed into Liu Qingqing's room in the morning.

"Qingqing! Get up and have a look

Liu Qingqing sleepy eyes blurred open eyes, looked at Huang Yan one eye, speechless said.

"Ma, what are you doing?"

Huang Yan lifted up her clothes and said, "look!"

Liu Qingqing frowned, fixed his eyes, and suddenly became energetic!


I feel it with my hand. I don't want to be a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, just like a girl in her eighteenth or nineties. Besides, the stretch marks have become so light.

After Huang Yan gave birth to a child, the stria gravidarum and stria gravidarum never fade. With the increase of age, the deposition of pigment is almost deeper and deeper. This time, the change is so exaggerated.

"Did you take my medicine?"

"Yes, your new product is amazing!"

Liu Qingqing suddenly sobered up, put on clothes, seize the time to wash, simply eat a few breakfast with new products to the company.

To the company's scientific research department, Liu Qingqing began a meeting.

After listening to Liu Qingqing's words, several experts in the conference room looked at each other.

"Mr. Liu, are you kidding? Get rid of stubborn stretch marks, take effect in one day, isn't it a fantasy

The ladies here are all experts in the field of beauty, specializing in the study of human skin. They once set up a special group to conquer stretch marks, but no matter how they are developed, the effect is negligible.

After all, having a baby, a woman's stomach becomes so big that it is almost difficult to repair after the appearance of stretch marks, that is, permanent scars.

Even the most effective prescription can only cover up a little, which is mostly psychological.

Liu Qingqing said with a confident smile on her face.

"If this medicine really works, the market should be very big."

"That's nature," laughs several experts

"The female consumer group is very large. After marriage, women will have higher consumption power and are more willing to buy skin care products. If there is such a magic drug, I'm afraid it will break the industry record again."

Liu Qingqing nodded, "very good. I've got the prescription. The preliminary clinical trial has been carried out. We can start the deep clinical trial directly."

Several experts frowned, "Mr. Liu, are you serious?"

Liu Qingqing pointed to his face, "do you think I'm joking with you?"

Other explanations may not be convincing, but Liu Qingqing's face is the best evidence.

These senior executives used to know what Liu Qingqing looked like. From such a monster to such a beautiful woman now, what an uncanny skill it is.