Medical Master's World

Chapter 454

Lin Yueyao's face is pale, and she is still doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the patient, but it has no effect.

Lin Yueyao's eyes were red and her heart was extremely anxious.

Not only because of the responsibility, but also because a life just disappeared in front of her eyes, she was really not reconciled.

A director nearby snorted coldly, "Dr. Lin, what did you do earlier? You should have sent him to our dental hospital before. Now, something happened here. I tell you, I didn't touch this patient at all. It's all your responsibility."

In the field of medicine, dentistry is a separate discipline, parallel with western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, so the stomatological hospital is a separate hospital.

Previously, on Lin Yueyao's side, the patient always said that he had neck pain and chest pain, but he didn't know what the reason was. Naturally, the little nurse assigned him to the internal medicine department for examination first.

After Lin Yueyao's examination, it was found that the patient suffered from a certain nerve necrosis in the oral cavity, which led to the disease, and the neck and chest pain were also involved.

If we find the final reason, we should find the right medicine.

But this is the problem of the stomatology department. Lin Yueyao has explained to the patient and asked him to go to the stomatological hospital next door for treatment.

However, just after the examination, the patient suddenly began to twitch and cry out for pain. Lin Yueyao rushed to the treatment.

The patient took out a prescription medicine from his pocket and told Lin Yueyao that he would take it every time he had pain.

Seeing the patient's severe convulsions, Lin Yueyao quickly took a pill for him for fear that he might bite his tongue. Looking at the appearance of the pill, it should be a pain relieving tablet. There is no side effect.

However, after taking this medicine, the patient passed out and had a brief shock.

Lin Yueyao realized that she was in trouble. She contacted the doctor of the stomatological hospital next door and sent her to the hospital in an emergency.

However, it was too late when it was sent there. Although the stomatological hospital could solve the problem of nerve under the teeth, it could not solve the problem of shock.

Lin Yueyao and their physicians, according to the normal means of resuscitation of patients, can not save him.

Because the fundamental problem inside the mouth has not been solved, how can not wake up.

Later, when the family members came, they heard that the doctor was helpless, and immediately started to make trouble. Lin Yueyao was also slapped in the face.

Now Lin Yueyao still has five finger marks on her face, but she doesn't care. She is really responsible for this medical accident. Now the most important thing is to rescue the patient.

"Director Zhong, I can't blame myself for this. The patient is in a coma in my consulting room, so I will rescue him naturally."

Director Zhong sneered, "you can rescue him. Do you know what medicine you gave him?"

Lin Yueyao said, "that's what the patient wants to eat!"

Director Zhong sneered, "Dr. Lin, you're a doctor. He's a patient. How can I take medicine and ask the patient to tell you?"

Lin Yueyao bit her teeth and said nothing. In that case, doctors with conscience would do that. Who would think about responsibility when saving people?

"Director Zhong, I have sent him to you in time. Why don't you take measures?"

Director Zhong shook his head. "Dr. Lin, you can't say to send it in time. It's only after the patient's shock that you sent it here. We're just a stomatological hospital. I can solve the internal problems in the stomatology. But now, the patients can't open their mouths. We can't help it."