Medical Master's World

Chapter 341

He Nianying is their boss. This small restaurant is just one of the most insignificant small businesses under he's group. Even President he of this small shop has never been here in person.

However, Mr. He's photo has been hanging here all the time, which is used to enhance the prestige of the restaurant.

As we all know, this is the restaurant opened by the richest man, and many people will come here.

On the wall, there are some famous public figures, stars, singers, movie stars, king of heaven. Those who can take pictures with he Nianying and hang them on the wall are certainly not ordinary people.

But in the center of the wall is a picture of Qin Jun and he Nianying.

Manager Wang was flustered. He didn't expect to meet the big man in the photo today.

Even if you are not a big man in the entertainment industry, you must be a powerful boss. Otherwise, who is qualified to take a picture with Mr. He?

Manager Wang quickly sent a wechat to the store manager.

"Manager! The one in the center of our photo wall, he always takes a picture with a young man. Who is that young man? "

After a while, the store manager replied, "it's said that it's Mr. He's the guest of honor. This photo is still Mr. He's asking for a group photo. It's very precious."

After all, he Nianying is the richest man. Although the stars are also very powerful, they are still very honored to have a group photo with he Nianying. They usually take the initiative to ask for a group photo.

Only Qin Jun's group photo was requested by he Nianying.

A look at this, manager Wang cold sweat all came down, quickly and nonstop walk back, took two bottles of the most expensive red wine, sent in the past.

"I'm really sorry, sir and madam. I have a problem with my attitude just now. I'd like to apologize to you two. This is the gift of Lafite in '82 from our store. Please use it slowly!"

The guests next to him were all confused. Just now, manager Wang was so domineering that he wanted to drive people out. How did he become so servile now?

Kun Shao also frowned and gave a cold hum.

"Manager Wang, what's the matter with you? Why don't you drive him out?"

Manager Wang turned his head and said coldly, "shut up! If you can eat, you can eat. If you can't eat, you can go away. If you dare to make trouble again, believe it or not, I'm not polite to you! "

With that, manager Wang stood up behind several security guards, ready to start at any time.

Kun Shao's face changed and he felt that he had lost all his face. He bit his teeth and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean, manager Wang? You know, I spend hundreds of thousands every year in your store... "

Manager Wang waved his hand and said with indifference, "hundreds of thousands is a fart. My bottle of wine is tens of thousands. If you can afford it, you can eat it. If you can't afford it, you can get out. I'm not bad for you as a guest."


Kun Shao didn't expect that manager Wang's face changed so fast. He was helping him one second before, but he was going to drive him out the next!

"Forget it, Ben, I'm not in a bad mood today. I'll just sit here."

This is he Nianying's restaurant. He doesn't dare to mess around. Just as a guest finished eating, he just sat down.

Wang Dongxue was also puzzled.

"Brother Qin, what happened to the manager? Did he take the wrong medicine?"

Qin Jun shook his head, "I don't know. I'm wrong."

Then they went on eating.

Kunshao is naturally unhappy beside him. Today, he has lost so much face. Naturally, this man and woman bear a grudge in his heart.

Looking at Wang Dongxue, kunshao suddenly feels a little familiar. He takes out his mobile phone and sends out a wechat.

"Pingping, is this the girl in your class?"

Kun Shao looks for a chance to take a candid picture of Wang Dongxue and Qin Jun, and then sends it.

Liu Pingping's eyes turned red when she saw this picture.

"Yes! That's her! The couple are still togethe