Medical Master's World

Chapter 339

There is a long distance between Mingming and Qin Jun's body, but he is still holding the quilt. His face is tense, just like Qin Jun is close to her body.

After a while, sleepiness hit, Wang Dongxue directly into a dream.

The next morning, the alarm clock rang. Wang Dongxue opened her eyes and found that she was lying on Qin Jun!

Wang Dongxue is startled. She likes to lie on her stomach when she is sleeping. She forgot it when she was asleep last night. Unexpectedly, she fell on Qin Jun.

Although Wang Dongxue doesn't wear too few clothes in the same room, he can't sleep in such a formal way. He wears a very loose Pajama, which is a vacuum!

At this time, lying on Qin Jun's body, the two people's bodies are very close to each other, which makes Wang Dongxue's face red from forehead to neck.

The body does not pretend to twist for a while, feel more ambiguous.

Wang Dongxue quickly held her breath and looked up. Fortunately, Qin Jun's eyes were closed.

Wang Dongxue moved her body quietly and went down to the side.

As a result, because he was too nervous, he didn't get it right. He knelt down on Qin Jun's thigh directly. He bent forward and put his face directly on his face.

Originally very ambiguous posture, become more indescribable.

Qin Jun helplessly opened his eyes, "I want to pretend to sleep can not be installed."

Wang Dongxue makes a big red face, gets up quickly, arranges loose clothes quickly, and stares at Qin Jun.

"Brother Qin, you are too bad!"

I woke up early tomorrow, but I didn't call her or push her down.

It's hard. Yesterday they held each other like this Sleeping all night?

The more Wang Dongxue thought about it, the redder her face became. She put on her clothes in a hurry and went to wash.

After breakfast, everyone went back to their own, out of yesterday's case, Zhao Dongmei no longer face with the students forced, but still on the car of Tang Xuan.

It seems that it should be coaxed. After all, Tang Xuan is also a rich man. Although she lost face yesterday, she won't break up like this. Zhao Dongmei also knows that it's good to find Tang Xuan on her condition.

After all the students left, Qin Jun and Wang Dongxue got on the bus again.

Looking at such a luxurious car, Wang Dongxue is worried.

"Brother Qin, when will you return the car? If time goes by, will it cost another day?"

Such a beautiful super run, it is estimated that the rent should be expensive. Wang Dongxue's birthday has passed, so there is no need to spend the money.

Qin Jun smiles.

"Time has passed. Let's have another day."

"All right." Money has been spent, Wang Dongxue will not be hypocritical.

After driving around in the suburbs for a while, Qin Jun found a high-end restaurant nearby and they went to lunch.

The restaurant is called Hua Yu Lin. on the surface, it looks like a very ordinary restaurant, but in fact it is very high-end. It is full of senior chefs, and the ingredients are all deep-sea fish and high-end Western food.

Before he came here, Qin Jun had already made a reservation. If he didn't make a reservation, maybe there would be no place.

"Sit down, please."

Qin and Jun sat in a seat by the window and ordered some foie gras steak. Although Wang Dongxue also thought it was very luxurious, there seemed to be nothing else in this shop. Even the most common fried rice was caviar fried rice, and there was no cheap one.

As soon as I sat down to serve the food, a man and a woman came into the door, with a loud voice.

"Waiter, I have a reservation. Table 3."

The waiter took a look. "I'm sorry, sir. There are already guests at table 3."