Medical Master's World

Chapter 319

The speaker's surname is Tian. He is also an antique player. Although he is not a big man, he is also a small boss.

The old lady frowned, "it shouldn't be. No matter how the bamboo slips are written or how they feel, you can see that they are very old. It doesn't look like a fake."

Boss Tian frowned, "isn't it a fake? That's black stuff! "

"As far as I know, this Huatuo bamboo slip has always been in the hands of Mr. Wu YingZhuo, the antiques magnate. I think the old lady should know who Mr. Wu is."

The old lady nodded. She is very fond of antiques. Wu YingZhuo's name is like thunder. It's just that people are too high to meet each other.

Unexpectedly, the famous Huatuo bamboo slips are in Wu YingZhuo's hands?

The old lady couldn't hang on her face. She patted the table and said coldly.

"Where do you come from, bamboo slips?"

Qin jundao, "what he said is right. This bamboo slip was given to me by Wu YingZhuo."

Boss Tian sneered, "here you are? Don't brag here. This Huatuo bamboo slip was received by Mr. Wu five years ago. It's his favorite thing. He didn't buy it at a high price before. You're a yellow boy. Can Wu always give it to you? You must be dreaming

Several friends around boss Tian also laughed.

The old lady likes antiques very much, so she has made some friends in this field.

Who doesn't know Wu YingZhuo?

Those who have some friendship with Mr. Wu know that the most precious thing is Huatuo bamboo slips. How can they be given to others easily?

What's more, Qin Jun is just a young man. He has no power. He looks like Zhu Linlin's boyfriend.

Not to mention Zhu Linlin's boyfriend, no one in your whole Zhu family can have such a big face and let Mr. Wu give such a valuable gift.

The old lady's face was even worse. She stood up with a crutch and said angrily.

"Qin! You are sincere in making trouble for me! You stole something from someone else to give it to me? What others will think of me! Now, I order you to send it back to me quickly

"I don't want what you stole!"

Wang Yun also did not expect, let Qin Jun send a gift, unexpectedly make a pattern again.

"Mom, don't be angry. It's all my fault. Let him do such an important thing. I'll tell him."

Wang Yun turns her head and suddenly looks angry.

"Mr. Qin! What's the matter with you! Don't you have money? How can you steal other people's things? I'll give it back before they find out! "

Qin jundao, "I said, this is what he gave me, not what I stole."

"You are still sophistry!"

Wang Yun angry want to slap him in the face, Linlin is really blind, how to take a fancy to this smelly boy!

He quickly went to the boss Tian and said.

"Boss Tian, do you have Mr. Wu's address? I'll send it back quietly."

Boss Tian snorted coldly, "are you kidding? Where do you think Mr. Wu's family is? Come and go as you want? You stole the old man's treasure. You must have been found out! "

The old lady sat down and looked a little ugly.

"Yes, boss Tian is right. It's impossible that we haven't found such an important thing until now."

"Boss Tian, please give me Mr. Wu's phone number. I'll call him to apologize and hope to get his forgiveness."