Medical Master's World

Chapter 315

Wu YingZhuo's face changed slightly, and he felt that it was a bit serious. He asked quickly.

"Doctor Qin, please tell me clearly!"

Qin jundao said, "your pulse condition is heavy, and the pulse condition can be roughly divided into two reasons. One is Qi and blood surge, filling the blood, so it is heavy."

"Another is the exhaustion of vital energy. Qi and blood can't reach the outside, so they sink."

"I guess you belong to the second kind."

Qin Jun said too much terminology, Wu YingZhuo listen to or some misty.

Qin Jun added, "in short, although your pulse is very good, it's actually because the Qi and blood in your body is too weak to flow out and can only be held in your core position, so it appears that your pulse is very strong. In fact, some problems have begun to appear in your limbs."

Wu YingZhuo thinks that what Qin Jun said is reasonable. He has always felt that something is not right, but he thinks that these are the symptoms of old age. Now it seems that they are not.

Qin Jun said, "according to my conjecture, your core meridians are blocked, which leads to the blockage of blood vessels. Moreover, this blockage is irreversible, numbness of hands and feet, muscle weakness, and intermittent fainting."

"This kind of symptom is called impotence in traditional Chinese medicine and gradual freezing in western medicine."


Wu YingZhuo's pupils shrank and stood up.

He had never heard of wilt, but of course he had.

This is one of the difficult and miscellaneous diseases. There are no cured cases in the world. Even the cause of the disease has not been studied. If it can be cured, it is really difficult to cure.

"Does the doctor of Qin have a cure?"

Qin Jun was silent for a moment, "there are some, but the medicine is hard to find. I can only take a chance. I will give you a treatment plan. Although it can't cure completely, it can maintain your current situation and it won't get worse."

"You can't leave people around you, you have to be taken care of 24 hours, which must be easy for you to do."

"When I find that medicine, I can cure you."

Wu YingZhuo bowed to Qin Jun with a dignified face.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

For other doctors, Wu YingZhuo may not believe it, but he has seen Qin Jun's medical skills with his own eyes. Naturally, the person who brought his granddaughter back from the gate of death has a means.

With the words of doctor Qin, I think his old bone can live a few more years.

Wu YingZhuo thought to himself that Hua Tuo's bamboo slips just now were really worth it. Otherwise, Qin Jun would not have taken the initiative to feel his pulse, and naturally he would not have found that he still had such a serious disease. If it had been delayed for another two years, he might have been in a wheelchair.

At that time, life can't take care of itself. Wu YingZhuo's life is worse than death.

At this time, Wu YingZhuo showed more respect for Qin Jun.


After leaving the antique city, Qin Jun returns to Zhu's home. Today, Wang Yun is in a good mood. After all, he has bought such a big treasure.

But after going home to discuss it, Zhu Linlin and Zhu Yong didn't agree that she would take over the 10 million yuan. After all, Zhu Linlin saw it with her own eyes. Wang Yun didn't believe that Xiaojun was the one who wanted to sell it for 100000 yuan.

Wang Yun's anger is strong enough. The father and daughter are really turning their elbows out, not towards their own family, but towards outsiders!

In less than one afternoon, Mr. Gao had already found the seller. In order to show his sincerity, he paid first and then took the goods.

After ten million yuan had reached Qin Jun's account, Gao took the trigger.

Wang Yun's eyes are red. That's ten million!

Taking advantage of nobody's time, Wang Yun pulls Zhu Linlin to say in a low voice.

"My daughter, Qin Jun, this ten million, did not say how to spend it?"