Medical Master's World

Chapter 309

Wang Yun is really angry. Let Qin Jun come, let him be a little tough. Who knows this guy is so worthless, he counseled.

More than one million people buy a broken vase. Do you think so?

Qin Jun smile, "harmony makes money, let's talk about gifts."

With that, Qin Jun took an old wine cup on the ground and said, "this, how about as a gift?"

The boss immediately laughed. The small broken wine glass is not regular at all. Even if it is antique, it has no value. It seems that he collected it from the broken market for ten yuan a catty, and no one wants it for nothing.

"OK, I'll give it to you if you're sensible. Well, we've seen it. We'll pay for it and deliver it at the same time."

Wang Yun is anxious, "no! Qin, that one million is my money. How can you decide my money? No, you have to give me a refund! "

Qin Jun helplessly shook his head, "is your own carelessness, you can only endure, people even you are not afraid of the police, what can you do?"

Wang Yun gas straight stamp feet, pointing to Qin Jun said.

"It's useless for me to call you here. Why are you so cowardly? You are a man, so you can't fight with him!"

Qin Jun shook his head, took the little one, turned around and left.

Suddenly, an old man came and stopped Qin Jun.

"Wait a minute, young man."

Looking at the voice, we saw an old man with white hair standing behind Qin Jun, leaning on crutches.

"Miss Gao!"

They are all antique class. When we see this old man, we all have a light in front of our eyes.

This is the most insightful expert in this area. His name is Gao Qingsong. He is a master of antiques. No one can match him in treasure assessment. In the whole Hualian antiques City, he has the highest public trust, and many people believe in him.

As soon as Mr. Gao came out, everyone gathered around.

Gao Qingsong looked at the small wine cup in Qin Jun's hand and asked.

"Young man, can I have a look at this wine glass?"

Qin Jun didn't care. He handed the wine cup to him.

After observing it in his hand, Gao stroked his beard and nodded.

"This wine cup is indeed an antique. If you read it correctly, it should be from the Yuan Dynasty. However, the shape of the wine cup is irregular, and it seems to be crushed and stained with a lot of iron, so the price drops sharply."

Originally, this wine cup is made of iron, not silver, so even if it is an antique, the price will not be too high.

And it's also glued with iron, so it's even less valuable. It doesn't have any ornamental value.

It's not too high, but I like it very much. I think I can be a ornament even if I clean up.

"Well, young man, I'll give you a hundred thousand for this glass."


As soon as the price was mentioned, there was an uproar. Everyone was shocked that such a small wine glass could sell for 100000. Why didn't they find out just now!

The little boss, who was selling things, regretted that he would die. He didn't expect to accompany a thing casually. It was so expensive! 100000 yuan!

However, Qin Jun shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't sell it."

Mr. Gao frowned, "young man, do you think about it? The reason why I bid 100000 is that I personally appreciate it and like it better. If objectively speaking, you can't even sell it for 50000 yuan. If you don't sell it to me, you can't sell it at such a high price. "

Qin Jun shook his head, "sorry, don't sell."