Medical Master's World

Chapter 296

"I just went to the hospital for examination yesterday. The doctor told me that I had low blood pressure and low blood sugar and asked me to eat more sweets. As a result, master Qin gave me a pulse diagnosis just now and actually said that I had high blood pressure."

Lin Yueyao's face slightly changed, "this Maybe it's cold hands. It's a mistake in pulse diagnosis. After all, it's traditional Chinese medicine. There is a certain fault tolerance rate in pulse diagnosis. "

Tang Min snorted, "can you convince yourself?"

Lin Yueyao thought about it and said, "master Qin's two operations are real. Everyone in our hospital is saying that even the director of the hospital respects him. Can they be fake?"

Tang Min shook his head, "I don't know about this, but you may have misunderstood your brother Xiaojun."

"Misunderstanding him? He just wanted to make trouble for me! "

Tang Min rolled his eyes,

"deliberately making trouble for you?" Tang Min picked up the watch on the ground and handed it to him. "Look at what watch your little gentleman bought for you. Can he deliberately make trouble for you?"

Lin Yueyao took the watch and was surprised.


This is a Rolex limited edition women's watch, the original price should be more than 200000, such an expensive gift?

Just now Lin Yueyao fell to the ground so hard that this watch didn't deform at all, and even a scratch didn't appear. It's obvious that the quality is very good, absolutely not defective.

And holding it in the hand is also very textural, and the diamonds inside are also shining.

Lin Yueyao still didn't believe it. "Mom, where's your little cash detector?"

Take a small ultraviolet lamp of Tang Min, shine on the dial of the watch, and find that the diamond in it is shining.

It's a real diamond!

Diamonds are real. Watches must be real.

How could Qin Jun give her such a valuable gift?

"Mom, it's very profitable to open a hospital?"

·Tang Min shook his head. "Are you a doctor? Do you ask me? Your brother Jun must have spent a lot of his savings to buy you a gift. How can you do this to him? "

Lin Yueyao was also a little embarrassed by Tang Min, but she was still a little hard mouthed, "then he can't take master Qin away..."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yueyao put on the watch Qin Jun gave her, lingered for a while, and sent Qin Jun a wechat.

"On my birthday tomorrow, master Qin invited the presidents and chief experts of major hospitals to come. Come along, too."


Back home, Qin Jun received wechat and gave a sneer.

Invited by master Qin?

Is that Qin Feng?

Can he invite the presidents of major hospitals with his medical skills? It's ridiculous.

Forget it, since Lin Yueyao wants to have a birthday party, he should come.

Then Qin Jun took out the phone and called Meng Wengang.

"Little elder martial brother, what can I do for you?"

"Tomorrow my cousin Lin Yueyao's birthday, in the Bauhinia Hotel, you help me invite the presidents and experts of major hospitals."

"All right!"


The next morning, Lin Yueyao changed her clothes early and came to the Bauhinia hotel. One by one, the president and leaders of the big hospital came to her, which made her very flattered.

"Dean Zhang! Thank you very much for coming, too

"Thank you for your gift, director Liu."


All the leaders of the hospital who were not seen on weekdays came to celebrate Lin Yueyao's birthday and brought a lot of valuable gifts, which surprised Lin Yueyao.

Yesterday, the misunderstanding about master Qin completely disappeared.

If master Qin is really a man of illusory fame, how can there be so many people to support him?