Medical Master's World

Chapter 288

At a command, not far from the two vans, down a dozen young men, one by one tall and powerful, strong, looking very spiritual.

Everyone had iron sticks in their hands. They were fierce.

"Tiger brother!"

"Tiger brother!"

"Who do you want to fight, tiger brother?"

As soon as these ten people appeared, Wang Yun immediately panicked and stepped back a few steps. Originally, he thought that tiger brother was such a thin man, but unexpectedly, there were so many people!

"Who are you and what are you doing! We are the people of Zhu family

Tiger brother covers the face that Wang Yun has smoked, the corner of his mouth shows a ferocious smile.

"I wish my family a fart? My tiger brother has been on the road for so many years, but no other woman has ever slapped her face. You are very good, mother and daughter, right? My tiger brother has not had meat for a long time, just to play with you two. Come on, catch them for me! "

Wang Yun and Zhu Linlin suddenly pale, so many gangsters, of course, their two weak women are not rivals.

Wang Yun quickly pointed to Qin Jun beside him and said.

"It's him! He made me do this. If you want to deal with him, deal with him! "

Wang Yun so a point, we just see standing beside Qin Jun, tiger brother frowned, cold hum.

"Mind your own business, boy?"

Qin Jun light way, "this is not idle."

Tiger brother behind a group of younger brothers, gradually approaching the Qin Jun here.

As soon as Wang Yun saw that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, she took Zhu Linlin to run. Without running a few steps, she went directly into the car. Then, Wang Yun stepped on the gas and turned around.

Zhu Linlin just came back and said quickly.

"Ma! What are you doing? Brother Jun is still there! "

Wang Yun said, "Qin Jun is a man. They can't do anything to him. What are you afraid of? Let's run first!"

Zhu Linlin is anxious, "they will hit people. What if brother Jun is hit?"

"Hum, I'll fight. Who asked him to follow me? Besides, what's the matter with getting beaten for you? It's his honor!"

"Ma, how can you do that! You stop and let me down. I'm going to help! "

With that, Zhu pulled the door open.

Wang Yun didn't dare to stop and was speechless.

"You child! Mom, it's also for your own good. What can you do when you go back? Qin Jun is beaten. Let's pay him for his medical expenses. Besides, he has gained a lot of benefits in our family. What if he helps to get beaten up? "

Zhu Linlin is speechless. My mother's attitude is unacceptable.

Zhu Linlin got out of the car. She also knew that it was useless to go back now. She quickly tried to find a way, took out her mobile phone and called Meng Wengang.

Among all the people she knew, the most powerful one was general manager Meng. Although she had several business contacts before, Meng Wengang didn't appear in person, so there was no friendship.

When it comes to the end, Zhu Linlin has to call Meng Wengang.

After dialing the number, it was connected in a few seconds.

"Hello, Mr. Meng. I'm Zhu Linlin."

"It's Miss Zhu. What can I do for you?"

Zhu Linlin said anxiously, "Mr. Meng, my friend Qin Jun is surrounded by some gangsters on the side of red flag street. Can you call someone to come here?"

Meng Wengang was stunned for a few seconds, "what? Little Mr. Qin is surrounded by gangsters? Ha ha, it doesn't matter. "