Medical Master's World

Chapter 283

With crutches, the old lady had to wait in line behind the crowd.

These people are all in line to meet Mr. Sun. They are all the owners of small businesses or members of small families. They have a little way to go, but they are not very strong. They want to find Mr. Sun to go through the back door and buy some stores with good location.

The old lady stood here for half an hour. Although she was on crutches, she couldn't bear to eat any more. Zhu Ming asked quickly.

"Mom, why don't we go back?"

The old lady shook her head. "If it doesn't work, I'm really upset. Just wait."

After waiting for more than three hours, the old lady couldn't stand still and was supported by crutches. Finally, all the people in front of her had finished their work, and it was his turn next.

At this time, a salesman came by and said.

"Excuse me, madam. Mr. Sun is off duty today. Please come back tomorrow."

The old lady almost didn't stop. After standing for several hours, she was a little angry.

"What! I've been waiting for a few hours. It's my turn. Are you going to leave work? Really when I Ouyang Yanyan good bully it

The old lady raised her crutch in a ferocious manner.

Those salesmen were shocked. They didn't care what you were from Zhujia or Ouyang. When they saw that someone dared to act wild here, they immediately yelled.

"Security! Come here

Several security guards also saw the troublemaking old lady and rushed to see that she was old and didn't use an electric stick. Several people rushed up and grabbed her crutch. One of them grabbed the old lady with a backhand and pressed her to the ground.


The old lady was very old. How could she stand the capture of these young men? The old lady was half kneeling on the ground, her face pressed to the ground.

Zhu Ming is very angry, "you dare to touch my mother, I'll fight with you!"

Zhu Ming, of course, is not the opponent of the security guard. She is pressed on the ground, and the mother and daughter are surrounded by the crowd.

At this time, sun came out of the office, Zhu Ming yelled.

"Mr. Sun! Mr. Sun

Sun came over and frowned when he saw the situation in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

"Let them go first."

Sun also recognized that this is Zhu Ming, but there is no enthusiastic performance, in he's real estate trouble, was cleaned up is also deserved.

Zhu Ming helped the old lady up. Both of them were in a mess. The old lady was so angry that she was dizzy. She had never suffered such humiliation in her life!

Zhu Ming said, "Mr. Sun! This is my mother, the owner of our family. Today she came to sign the contract with you in person! "

Sun Jiyang said.

"I told you that I only signed a contract with Miss Zhu Linlin. You are not qualified."

With that, sun went out directly.

Zhu Ming's mother and daughter are confused. Can't the old lady come in person? Zhu Linlin is only a small shareholder at home, and the old lady really has the final say.

However, sun didn't even care about the old lady. Even the old lady was knocked down by the security guard and hurt. He didn't even come over to say hello. It was like signing a contract!

The old lady trembled and bit her teeth.

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