Medical Master's World

Chapter 280

After getting off the bus, Zhu Linlin still didn't come back.

"It's really like a dream. I bought that building for 30 million yuan. Brother Jun, do you really know the boss of he's real estate?"

Qin Jun smiles, "yes, I've never cheated you."

Zhu Linlin was really surprised, "have you ever treated a person of this level? Brother Jun, you are so powerful

In Zhu Linlin's eyes, Qin Jun is just an ordinary citizen. If he's able to get in touch with a big company like he's real estate, it must be because he has excellent medical skills, or he has treated the boss. That's the only possibility.

Qin Jun is helpless. Since Zhu Linlin thinks so, he can't help it.

Back home, Zhu Linlin is very excited. The first task that grandma came back to explain was so successful. Naturally, she is very happy.

Zhu Ming had a playful look on his face? You're not even qualified to line up, are you

Zhu said, "uncle, I didn't line up at all."

"What? There's no queue. You're too careless about the big deal mom gave you. Don't you even queue up? Don't you look down on mom? "

The old lady's face was also gloomy. The tap and crutch knocked on the ground, and she looked unhappy.

Zhu Linlin added, "grandma, I didn't wait in line. I was received by sun Jiyang, the vice president of he's real estate. They have decided to sell this commercial building to us."


The old lady's face was pleasantly surprised, and she burst into laughter.

If they can really win the commercial building in red flag street, they will be proud of their family, and they will be able to be a little tough in front of other families in the future.

But soon, the old lady was worried.

"Linlin, have you talked about the price? How much is it?"

It's a good thing to be qualified to buy, but the price of he's real estate is second to none in the country. With their financial resources, I don't know if they can afford it.

Zhu Ming snorted coldly, "Zhu Linlin, you don't want to pay a high price to complete the task that grandma gave you, do you? You should consider the situation of our Zhu family. The money of Zhu family is not so extravagant! "

What qualifications does Zhu Linlin have to let others see him in person? It must be because the price is higher than other people's, so we are qualified to compete.

The old lady also frowned. It was difficult to buy the building according to the market price, let alone increase the money.

This Zhu Linlin, difficult to come true is to complete the task she gave, so do not hesitate to add money?

The old lady asked with a heavy face.

"Linlin! But as your uncle said? Did you increase the money? "

Zhu Linlin shook her head. "Grandma, no, the price we talked about with Mr. Sun is 30 million. We will sign the contract tomorrow."

The old lady's eyes brightened. "Really? Good

At 30 million yuan, the old lady clapped her thigh.

Originally, they thought that if it was about 100 million yuan, they would invest all their working capital and borrow tens of millions from the bank.

But now, this luxury building only needs 30 million yuan. It's just like picking up money for nothing, making money with blood.

"Linlin, good job this time. Sign the contract tomorrow, right? Go back and get ready. This is the top priority of our family. Don't delay it."

Zhu Linlin nodded, and Qin Jun left, go home to prepare for tomorrow's signing.

As soon as Zhu Linlin left, Zhu Ming said quickly.

"Mom, you can't let Zhu Linlin sign the contract."