Medical Master's World

Chapter 273

The security guard glanced at them coldly, but didn't respond. His face was full of indifference, and his electric stick was clenched tightly, ready to move at any time.

When Tian Junkai saw the electric stick, he felt cool on his back. Recalling the feeling of being electrified just now, he was still scared.

In the yard, beside Qin Jun stood a young and beautiful woman, graceful, good-looking, dressed sexy and generous, and soft spoken.

"Mr. Qin, my name is song Furong. I'm the Secretary of general he. You can call me Xiao Song or Furong. I'll show you around."

"There are a total of 200 rooms here. Most of the top families in China are dissatisfied with it. You can invite relatives and friends to come and live with you."

"The courtyard is cleaned every day, and the green landscape is repaired regularly. You don't need to worry about it."

This song Furong talks about it and introduces the Qingmei manor in detail. It is indeed extremely luxurious. Even the Qin family, which was in the prime of the day, never lived in such a luxurious place.

Of course, it's a waste for him to live in the Grand Manor with 200 rooms. In a few days, I'll call Lin Lin's family, Wan'er's family and second aunt's family to move here.

When he came to the back garden, Qin Jun frowned when he saw that there were many Persian chrysanthemums in the yard.

Song Furong was surprised and asked quickly.

"What's wrong, Mr. Qin?"

Qin jundao said, "my mother was allergic to Persian chrysanthemum before she died, so I never planted Persian chrysanthemum at home. This, I don't want to plant it."

Song Furong quickly nodded, "OK, Mr. Qin, I'll ask someone to arrange it."

Song Furong said, the mobile phone suddenly rang up, answer the phone, listen to a few seconds later, asked.

"Mr. Qin, there are several people at the door who want to come in. They are the young master of Tian's real estate and some friends. Their family has also contracted several projects."

Qin Jun frowned. Why did these people follow here? But now that they are here, let them come in. Let Linlin see if Zhuang Yuanxi likes it.

"Let them in."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, please watch first. I'll arrange it."

After all, it's the guest of honor that President he personally told. Song Furong doesn't dare to neglect him. The young master of the Tian family should give him a good warning that he can't disturb Mr. Qin's visit.

Song Furong went to the door and said to the security guard, "let them in."

As soon as Tian Junkai and others came in, they hurried to song Furong and said, "are you Song Shu Mi? I'm Tian Junkai. Tian Daniu is my father! "

Song Furong often goes on TV with he Nianying. They all see this beautiful female secretary on TV.

Although song Furong is young and beautiful, they dare not despise her. Even though her age is not different, her social status is very different.

He is the Secretary of he Nianying. He doesn't pay any attention to Tian's real estate.

"If you have any VIP here today, don't go into the main living area. If you want to visit, just go to the green planting area there."

Tian Junkai was stunned and quickly asked, "Secretary song, I think you may have made a mistake. Is the person who came in young, short hair and wearing black clothes?"

Song Furong frowned, "that's right."