Medical Master's World

Chapter 271

There is a big difference between manor and villa.

Villas generally refer to single family, single courtyard, two to three storey buildings, generally there will be a garden, but the garden is not too big.

And the manor is completely different, can be called the manor, the first floor area is extremely wide, as for the interior of the luxury decoration, let alone.

In addition to many independent houses, there may even be many landscapes, such as back to the mountain and water, which are basic operations.

A large family of 100 people is nothing to say.

Since ancient times, there have been few families with hundreds of people living together. Only some super rich families can do this. Even the Qin family did not have this scale.

Qingmeishan manor is the first one in the East China Sea.

In the end, the real estate tycoon is not the same.

Two people chatted for a while, he Nianying some embarrassed asked.

"Little elder martial brother, I want to take a picture with you, OK? You can rest assured that group photos will never be used for commercial purposes. "

Qin Jun nodded and took a picture. Besides, even if it's really useful, Qin Jun has no fame, which has no commercial value.

The manager came over and took a group photo for them. Then he Nianying said.

"Little elder martial brother, I have several meetings to hold in a moment. The manor is about to be completed. There are still many things to do. I arranged a secretary to visit the manor and let him show you around. Next week, I should be able to move there. What do you think?"

"Well, you can do it."

After he Nianying left, the driver took Qin Jun on the bus again and ran to the foot of Qingmei mountain.

Tian Junkai several people in the private room after eating for a while, immediately feel dull, Qin Jun was such a trouble, nothing can be done, Tian Junkai feel very unhappy.

"Well, I'll show you around the manor later, OK?"

After listening to the manor, everyone was interested.

"The one at the foot of Qingmei mountain?"

Naturally, the rich and the poor have heard of the construction of such a luxurious manor, but they have not yet found out which family built such a luxurious manor.

The most powerful families in the East China Sea are the three big families, but even the three big families don't have such abundant capital.

Qingmei mountain is the most popular place with beautiful scenery. In the next few years, Qingmei mountain is likely to be planned as an AAAAA scenic spot, and the price of this land will double.

So even if you have money and are willing to spend hundreds of millions to build a house, you may not be able to have this qualification.

With a faint smile, Tian Junkai showed a trace of satisfaction on his face. "There are two single families in the manor, which are the projects of our Tian family."

Although two single houses are not a big project, it shows the status of Tian's real estate to be able to get this project.

In the national real estate industry, all famous large real estate companies have basically participated in this construction.

So it's a great honor for the Tian family to build two small single families in it.

"Tian Shao, since you have all participated in this project, do you know who the house is for?"

Tian Junkai shook his head. "It's not the three families anyway."