Medical Master's World

Chapter 257


Qin Jun almost didn't choke on his own saliva.

He's just a fake boyfriend. Xu Juan is really worried. She goes beyond the steps of marriage and begins to talk about having children.

If Wang Dongxue hears this, he must be blushing again.

"Don't worry, auntie. We'll work hard."

I can't help it. That's all I have to say.

After sending Xu Juan on the train, Wang Dongxue was relieved.

"Brother Qin, I'm sorry to trouble you these two days. Did you pay for the hotel? I'll give you the money back. "

Qin jundao, "nothing, are friends, do not worry about these, aunt gave me a gift, you see, do you want to return it to you?"

Qin Jun took out the jade Guanyin and put it in his hand.

See this jade Guanyin, Wang Dongxue's face brush red, full of embarrassment, low head, two hands in front of the body at a loss to play with the corner.

"Well Then you can keep it. " With that, Wang Dongxue ran away with a red face.


Back home, Qin Jun wanted to watch Wang Dongxue's live broadcast for a while, but the doorbell rang.

Zhu Linlin and Wang Yun are here.

"Brother Jun."

"Linlin, how is the company?"

I haven't seen Zhu Linlin for several days. I guess the company is very busy.

Zhu Linlin looks good. Although she looks tired, she is in a good mood.

"Recently, the company is very busy. Tangshen No.2 is completely hot. We haven't finished recruiting domestic agents. Now foreign agents are coming in. After a while, we can lie down and collect money."

"That's good." With the strong support of Xuanyuan group and Qin Jun's prescription, it's hard for Wenhe medicine to think about it.

Zhu Linlin smiles, "thanks to brother Jun's prescription."

Wang Yun next to him snorted coldly, "what's so amazing? It's just that there's a folk prescription. I'll tell you, your prescription is given away. The profit from our company's future sales has nothing to do with your dime."

Zhu Linlin frowned, "Mom! How can you say that? Without brother Jun's prescription, our company will be ruined. "

Wang Yun cold hum a, "there is Xuanyuan group that behind the scenes boss in, he fully support you, how can end?"

For such a long time, Wang Yun has been thinking about the boss behind the scenes. The last time she sent ginseng, it was very bad. Wang Yun couldn't sleep all night and was trying to make up for it. Unfortunately, she didn't come up with a good way.

Zhu Linlin said, "brother Jun, this time I come here, I have something to tell you. The Jin family, the provincial capital, has been destroyed."

Qin Jun frowned, "has the Jin family been destroyed?"

Of course, Qin Jun, the provincial capital, is very familiar with jinshanlong and Jin Guangzhi, the father and son.

Before Qin Jun met Wang Yun, jinshanlong stood up and said that he had saved him. Later, he met Qi Xian, a young and old man of Qi family, in a bar, and Qi Xian broke his legs.

The death of Qi Xian is directly related to the death of Qin Jun, but many people don't know whether it's difficult or not. Does the Qi family think it was jinshanlong who did it?

Zhu Linlin and Qin Jun look at each other. We can see from their eyes that Zhu Linlin's idea is the same.