Medical Master's World

Chapter 255

With that, Wang Jihai hung up directly.

Listening to the busy tone on the other side of the phone, sun Ermei was a little flustered.

How could that be?

Wang Jihai ordered, has always been the next door of Jiali beauty?

But they had a discount yesterday!

"Please pay, ma'am, one hundred and ten thousand."

Sun Er Mei's face is very ugly. She is a poor family, not to mention more than 100000 yuan, and she can't take out thousands of yuan.

"I, I..." Sun Er Mei stepped back and looked at Yao Dan.

Yao Dan's face is very blue.

"Don't think about it, I won't pay for you!"

Yao Dan was already very angry at this time. He went to the front desk and took out his bank card.

"I'll pay my share!"

Each person is more than 30000, Yao Dan only brushes his own share of more than 30000, regardless of the rest.

"Today is the most humiliating day for me. You've really enlightened me!"

Sun Ermei was also very aggrieved. She wanted to invite her teacher to dinner, but she made a fool of herself. On the contrary, she made her family very embarrassed.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Yao. Look at Lulu's work..."

Yao Dan snorted coldly, "just like you, when you get to work, you can't offend me? I can't manage it. If you have the ability, you can find a job by yourself. "

With that, Yao Dan left angrily.

Sun Er Mei's face became very ugly. It's over. Her daughter's work is over!

Liu Lu is also the beginning of pear blossom with rain, tears streaming down.

"Ma, what are you doing here! I used to be all right. After you came, my boyfriend blew up and my work was gone. Now we don't have the money to settle the bill. Why

Liu Lu squatted on the ground and cried, heartbroken.

The more sun Ermei thought about it, the more wrong it was. If Wang Jihai didn't order this beauty salon, why did they get a discount when they came here yesterday? And that kind of discount is almost free.

The people who came yesterday, in addition to their family, are Wang Dongxue's family.

Is it difficult to It's Wang Dongxue's boyfriend?!

Sun Er Mei asked quickly, "daughter, what does Wang Dong Xue's boyfriend do?"

Liu Lu wiped her tears and complained, "how do I know? It's the first time I've seen you."

Sun Er Mei patted her thigh, "that's right. We had a discount on beauty yesterday. It must be because of him!"

Liu Lu frowned, "Mom, what are you talking about? How could it be him?"

Sun Ermei said, "silly girl, people are playing as pigs and eating tigers, but who else can they be? If you think about it, we had dinner yesterday, and Wang Jihai obviously didn't know that he was going to give us food and wine."

"And this beauty salon, Wang Jihai's order is not this at all. It was free yesterday, but we can't come today. Who else can it be?"

After listening to what sun Ermei said, Liu Lu also felt that it was reasonable. Did they really underestimate Qin Jun all the time?

"Girl, think about it. How much was our hotel last night? That Qin can afford to live?! There's only one explanation. He's a rich man that we can't afford! "