Medical Master's World

Chapter 2


Everyone turned their heads and looked at the ventilator.

It's breathing!

When a few of them were here just now, Mr. Zhu's vital characteristics had dropped a lot. He hardly breathed, and even his heart beat was almost stopped.

When I went out to inform my family members, I was delayed for a few minutes. Now I must have no breath. Why did Qin Jun just order casually and breathe?

All the people present were stunned and did not dare to step forward easily.

It's the so-called expert who knows if he has one.

It seems to be casual, but in fact, it requires a lot of medical knowledge and strong physique. Ordinary people can't reach this level, at least not a few TCM doctors present.

Qin Jun turned his head and gave Liu Bufan a cold look.

"I'll treat you. You'd better shut up."


When Liu Fandeng was angry, no one else? He's the chief physician. How dare you say he's a layman!

Liu Bufan was about to say something. Zhu Yong came in and said coldly.

"Dr. Liu, this little brother is treating a disease. You'd better not interfere."

Hearing Zhu Yong's threatening tone, Liu Bufan clenched his fist, and finally endured it, staring at Qin Jun.

Well, when you can't cure it, I'll put all the responsibility on you!

Qin Jun points his fingers to let Master Zhu breathe freely. Then he opens the cloth bag he is carrying. He takes out a transparent glass jar, a small tongs, and alcohol cotton to light it. He wipes it around.

Then, the wrist turned over and buckled on the patient's left chest.


For Chinese people, cupping is too common, let alone hospitals, even baths are often cupping, play a role in health care.

However, it's just health care. It's very difficult to treat diseases, especially serious diseases.

I wish the old man this need to be on the operating table of serious illness, cupping can have what use?

"Sensationalism!" Liu Bufan said sarcastically in a low voice.

What's the use of pulling out a jar for a disease that can't be treated by western medicine?

Qin Jun's jar was buckled on the patient's chest for a few seconds.

Then, Qin Jun slowly released his right hand.

See, transparent glass can, unexpectedly rise repeatedly white fog!

Then the jar starts to move on the patient!

Without any external force, the cupping can actually "walk" on the patient!

This scene surprised everyone.

Several traditional Chinese medicine doctors widened their eyes and looked at each other. They couldn't believe each other.

"This is..."

"A thousand miles wind jar?"

Since ancient times, there are many methods of traditional Chinese medicine, cupping, acupuncture and massage, are compulsory courses.

However, due to the incomplete ancient books, little knowledge about cupping has been handed down. Most traditional Chinese medicine mainly studies acupuncture and pharmacology.

They have only heard a little about the enigmatic way of canning, such as Qianli wind chasing pot, in ancient books. They have no idea how to operate it.

Just now a point, let these doctors shut up, quiet to see him treat.

And this hand thousands of miles chase wind jar, is the real technique startles four, who also dare not voice disturb!

The jar moves slowly over the patient in an irregular path.

Qin Jun took out a cloth bag from the burden, and the rolled cloth bag slowly spread out, a row of silver needles!

Qin Jun finger pick, quickly pick out three needles.

Pinch them in the fingers of your right hand, move your wrist, and the silver needle will fall down quickly, as if it were stabbed into tofu, and fall on the acupoints accurately.

"It's a good way to hit acupoints!"

Silver needle acupuncture, strength, accuracy, speed, many factors will affect the effect of acupuncture.

For this emergency, Qin Jungang's needling was fast and accurate. Although several old TCM doctors at the scene understood the truth, they could not achieve this effect.

What's more, it's so understated that people stab silver needles.

One, two, three, four, five!

Under five silver needles, the cupping stops and the air relaxes.


Master Zhu suddenly coughed.

At the same time, the nurse who always pays attention to the equipment shouts.

"Heart rate is normal!"

Everyone turned to see, heart really recovered!

Several old Chinese medicine doctors opened their eyes wide.

"Five elements Yin Yang needle! This must be the five elements Yin Yang needle in the book

It's amazing to see the medical skills of wind chasing jar and five elements Yin Yang needle!

Several old doctors only felt numb. I didn't expect that they could see such a miracle in their lifetime, and they were still in such a young doctor!The younger generation is to be feared, the younger generation is to be feared!

Qin Jun pulled out the silver needle, put away the jar, and wiped his hands with the white cloth in the bag.

"I wish my grandfather's life was saved, but it will take a long time to cure it."

"I'll make a prescription, and I say, remember."

Qin Jun said casually to a doctor nearby.

"Well, well, you say, you say."

This doctor, who is also a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, is now called by Ye Bai as an assistant. Instead of complaining, he looks like he is all ears.

"Shouwu, three dollars.

White mustard, two dollars.

Solanum nigrum, five dollars.


A prescription finished, Qin Jun said.

"In addition to the decoction, grandfather Zhu needs to come to the hospital once a month for examination. Routine laboratory tests of Western medicine are essential, and he also needs to feel the pulse of traditional Chinese medicine.

When feeling the pulse, pay attention to the deep and solid pulse. If the disease is good, the dosage can be reduced appropriately. "

with that, Qin Jun looked at the TCM doctors.

"Do you understand what I said?"

"I understand, I understand!"

Several famous old TCM doctors in the city were just like primary school students in front of Qin Jun.

Later, Qin Jun put the package away and carried it on his back.

"Uncle Zhu, I'll go first, and I'll visit you another day."

With that, Qin Jun left.

"Ah! "Little doctor..."

Zhu Yonggang wants to stop Qin Jun and ask him carefully. As a result, he coughs again. It seems that there is a sign of awakening. He comes forward to wait on him.

At this time, Liu Bufan stood by, his face like pig liver.

Before that, I kept saying that they were little boys and that they were charlatans.

Boasting that no one can cure a disease that he can't cure.

As a result, the little miracle doctor came in, acupoints, cupping, acupuncture, less than ten minutes, and brought the dead back to life!

What's more ironic is that Qin Jun didn't even look at him from beginning to end.

Not even a word of irony.

It can be seen that he is not even a fart in other people's eyes. He is the only one who regards himself as a big man.

Liu Bufan felt as if he had been slapped in the face.