Medical Master's World

Chapter 185

Qin Jun just made a little effort. Brother PI has been in the Jianghu for many years. He often fights. He has seen a lot of the world.

Qin Jun, as soon as he grabs it, makes brother PI unable to move. If there is a real fight, I'm afraid they won't get much advantage.

Brother Pi is in pain. When he wakes up, he doesn't dare to act rashly when he sees Qin Jun's indifferent look.

Originally, the room looked like a group of ordinary young people. Pigo had no problem with a few people to clean them up.

But I didn't expect to meet a hard stubble here.

Pigo thought about it, or gave up the idea of taking Su Wenqi, this woman is really beautiful, but he is not willing to do things that are not sure.

Asked pigo.

"Brother, I'm with boss Pei. Where are you

Qin Jun light way, "I don't mix."

Brother PI frowned. He was so magnanimous and skilled that he thought he was a big man under brother Dong. It seemed that he was misunderstood.

After giving up Su Wenqi, pigo looked around and saw Lin Yueyao again.

Lin Yueyao's dress is relatively low-key, not as showy as song Shuanger's, but once you see it, you will find that she is much better looking than song Shuanger, and more endurable, belonging to the type of never tired of seeing.

Brother Pi's eyes brightened. Unexpectedly, there were three best beauties in this small broken private room.

Since Su Wenqi is protected and he doesn't want to move, he will take Lin Yueyao away!

"Girl, follow me wisely, don't make me rough!"

Seeing that they were staring at Lin Yueyao, everyone stepped back and let Lin Yueyao out.

Lin Yueyao's face changed slightly, "what are you doing! I'm not going with you

Pigo sneered, "don't you go? If you don't come with me, I'll beat all the people here today! "

The voice falls, song Shuanger says quickly.

"Lin Yueyao! Don't disturb us. Just follow this elder brother quickly! "

When other students heard this, they were all startled and said one after another.

"That's to say, don't let us get hit when you're alone. Go quickly!"

"Yueyao doesn't have a boyfriend yet, so it's time to be a girlfriend for pigo, and we'll follow her."

"Don't be so reserved. Hurry up. We want to go home early!"

Lin Yueyao's face is a little ugly. I didn't expect that these students turned over so quickly. This kind of situation pushed her out as a girl.

What do you do? Call dad?

But just now this pigo has said that the Monteggia group is useless to him, and my father must not be able to use it.

Lin Yueyao subconsciously looks at Qin Jun, but soon shakes her head in disappointment.

This guy can't help any more. He's just an upstart who won the prize, and he donated all the money. He has nothing but a luxury car. What can he do? It's good not to make trouble!

Lin Yueyao's brain whirled rapidly and said quickly.

"This elder brother, our family are all people with some backgrounds. If you are offended, you can give money. With money, what kind of women can't be found?"

Pigo snorted coldly, "people with backgrounds? You threatened me? I don't want any money today. I have to play with you! "