Medical Master's World

Chapter 173

Qin Jun's words immediately aroused people's dissatisfaction. This loser is a loser, and he is a poor man until he dies.

As the saying goes, people are poor and short of ambition. They have no money and even no backbone.

If you want to run after rubbing someone's car, it's not good for everyone.

"We're not people like you. We'd rather be responsible for the car even if it's rubbed!"

"Ha ha, Yueyao, your cousin is good enough. You can go if you want. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, it's a long experience to go out today."

Lin Yueyao is also a burst of blush, feel extremely shameful, how also did not expect that Qin Jun would say such words.

Qin Jun helplessly shook his head, is ready to say something, but Su Wenqi is directly holding his arm, cold hum.

"Then let's go."

As soon as they left, the doorman came out and saw that the two cars collided.

"Damn it! None of you can run. You have to lose money! "

Ning Qiang's face is a little ugly and says to the doorman.

"Who is the owner of this car? Can you come out and have a talk?"

The doorman snorted coldly, "what's your status, and you are qualified to talk to others? Don't talk nonsense. You can pool your money. If you can pool your money, it's OK. So many people, you can share it equally! No one can run

Originally, it had nothing to do with them, and those students were all watching the fun, but when they heard about the fair, their faces changed.

The car repair cost at least one million yuan. It's spread to them, at least 50 million yuan per person. They are all ordinary families. They just come out for a meal. How can they get 50 million yuan!

Song shuang'er's face also changed slightly. He thought he could talk to the car owner, but I'm afraid the doorman is so overbearing that I can't even see him.

What can we do!

Seeing Qin Jun's figure, song Shuanger is furious and shouts.

"And them! They have their share. Don't let them run away! "

Song shuang'er shouts so that all the students come back to their senses and shout quickly.

"Yes, even if they catch them, they will take money!"

If everyone is responsible, they will take the money and Qin Jun will never run away!

As soon as the doorman heard that someone had run away, he was in a hurry and rushed forward.

As soon as Su Wenqi saw that someone was chasing him, she took Qin Jun and called, "run!"

Running and laughing.

Su Wenqi is old enough. At least she is a queen. Even if she really hit someone's luxury car, Su Wenqi can afford to pay for it.

Don't say to compensate, even if you buy a new one, Su Wenqi is not ambiguous.

But now the woman is running with Qin Jun, which is really exciting.

Several students see, the color of the face of the banter is more concentrated.

"Hum, Lin Yueyao, your cousin is really good. He not only eats a lot, but also runs fast enough!"

"I don't see him so active when I check out. Running is the first thing."

"That's the typical way of doing what you can't do and eating what you don't have left?"

Song Shuanger is very angry. Lin Yueyao wants to introduce a man like this to her as a boyfriend?

If song Shuanger is blind and really follows him, won't he become a man who has to run away when he meets something?

Not to mention the rich, even food and clothing are difficult to solve, right?

This kind of person, should be single for a lifetime!