Medical Master's World

Chapter 167

Song Shuanger's face with a touch of disdain, white Qin Jun one eye.

I'm a beautiful girl. I'm naturally loved by everyone. How can this poor boy be worthy of her?

Therefore, we must make it clear that song Shuanger doesn't like him, not that he doesn't like song Shuanger.

After Qin Jun sat down, song Shuanger sat next to a young man in a white shirt with a greasy face and said with a smile.

"That's right. Shuanger is one of the flowers in our class. It's not an ordinary role to watch. Lin Yueyao, what's your peace of mind? You know I'm after Shuanger, so you can introduce her a boyfriend?"

The speaker's name is Ning Qiang, and his family condition is also good.

In terms of terms of conditions, song Shuanger is a match for song Shuanger. However, song Shuanger boasts that he is beautiful and wants to marry into a rich family, so he has always been indifferent to Ningqiang and just takes him as a spare tire.

With her song Shuanger's beauty, is it hard to find a rich man who drives a luxury car?

Because his family is in the car business, song Shuanger likes to use cars to measure a person's wealth.

If a man drives a Mercedes Benz BMW, he may have millions of wealth.

If you drive a Bentley, you should have tens of millions of wealth.

It's clear at a glance what grade it is.

Lin Yueyao's face was a little embarrassed. "My mother had to ask me to help introduce it. If she couldn't, she would pull it, and there was no loss. Besides, who knows you want to chase song Shuanger? There are so many people chasing song Shuanger, can you line up?"

Everyone is laughing and laughing. It's over.

On the dining table, Ning Qiang looks at Qin Jun's eyes, which are a little disagreeable.

This boy is to give him eye medicine. Originally, his pursuit of song Shuanger was not so smooth. He killed Cheng Yaojin on the way.

Fortunately, the boy is a rustic hat, which is just used to set off him.

"Man, you live far away. How did you get here? Subway or bus

Several students said with a smile, "it must be taking the subway. The subway at the gate is very convenient and cheap. We don't like Ning Shao. We have our own car."

"Yes, it's better to drive Passat, isn't it? I really like that car. "

Rather strong mysterious smile, take out a key from the pocket, put on the table.

With a crash, everyone's eyes were attracted in the past. Suddenly, song Shuanger's eyes lit up.

Because the key of BMW is on the table.

"BMW? Ningqiang, did you buy a BMW

"I'm serious, Ning Shao. It's developed. I've changed trains."

"It's too fast. I didn't even drive the Jetta. You're going to switch to a BMW!"

"It's the richest man in our class. He's the first one to change buses. It's amazing."

Looking at the BMW key in front of Ningqiang, song Shuanger's eyes shine.

She often looks at the car. As soon as she looks at the key, she knows that this is the latest BMW 5 series.

It's a luxury car. It's very respectable and classy to drive.

I thought Ningqiang was just an ordinary family, but I didn't expect that he had changed into a BMW. This shows that their family has been developing well recently!

Song shuang'er looks at Ning Qiang pleasantly, and his eyes become softer than before.

Ningqiang light smile, "my father recently do business is good, give me a new car, today just mentioned the new car, license is temporary."

"New car, can I have a seat later?"

"That's right. Ning Shao, after dinner, let's take a tour and let's have some luck."