Medical Master's World

Chapter 1239

Chu Yang just Leng for a while, originally is angry, originally all agreed to give their home those projects, now all gave others.

Call to uncle also don't answer, this chuyang just don't know what's going on, can only make trouble here.

The result hears Chen Yuan's words, Chu Yanggang a little understood.

"You have all my projects?"

Chen Yuan's face is gloomy. She really doesn't want to take care of Chu Yanggang, but she can't help it. The third uncle gives him an order. She can't afford to offend Chu family.

"Yes, I did. Now I'll give it back to you."

With that, Chen Yuan put the contracts on the table, then turned around and left.


Chu Yang Gang shouts, Chen Yuan's steps pause, looking back, still a face of indifference.

"What's the matter? "

Chu Yanggang snorted coldly," did I let you go? "

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and finally didn't dare to leave. After all, her family put a lot of pressure on her. This time she came to apologize to Chu Yanggang. If she didn't apologize well, I'm afraid she would be scolded when she went home.

"What else can I do for you?" Chen Yuan asked coldly.

Chu Yanggang looked down at the contracts on the table. They were all the best projects of the branch. Chen Yuan actually signed them all. What a trick?

"Chen Yuan, how did you sign these contracts? Did you seduce my uncle?"

"You fart!" Chu Yanggang a word, angered Chen Yuan, but after a scold, or endure down, the overall situation is important!

"I didn't."

Seeing this picture of Chen Yuan that wants to get angry but doesn't dare to get angry, Chu Yanggang is very happy. He seems to be afraid of him.

"Ha ha, I know. You must have seduced my uncle, cheated these contracts and returned home. Your family didn't dare to let you offend me, so you came to give it back to me?"

Chu Yanggang said this right half, said the wrong half Chen Yuan is also lazy to explain, anyway, this time to achieve the goal on the line.

Chu Yanggang had already known Chen Yuan's weakness, so he sat on the sofa and cocked up his legs.

"Chen Yuan, your family asked you to come and apologize to me?"

Chuyang just knew that the Chen family could not provoke him, and it was impossible for the Chen family to offend them for such a small profit.

It's too late to flatter him. How can you offend him?

Chen Yuan bites her teeth, full of grievances, but the pressure from her family is too great, and she has nothing to do.

He said, biting his teeth and stiffening his head.

"Chu Shao, I did this wrong. I apologize to you."

In fact, Chen Yuan didn't do anything wrong. This kind of thing is fair competition. Whoever competes is his ability.

But under the pressure of the family, Chen Yuan has no choice but to bow to the Chu family.

Chu Yanggang sneered, "Oh, Hello, did I hear you right? I heard Miss Chen apologize to me? I'm really flattered, Miss Chen. Would you please tell me again? Why didn't I hear you clearly just now? "

Chen Yuan's face was very gloomy. She bit her teeth and squeezed a few words out of her teeth.

"Chu Shao, I did this wrong. On behalf of the Chen family, I apologize to you!"

Chu Yanggang laughed a few times and was very satisfied with Chen Yuan's performance.

"Chen Yuan, I wish you had such an attitude. Why do you have to come and apologize to me? Why don't you marry me and be my little grandmother of Chu family? I can give you everything you want. Isn't that good? "

Chen Yuan frowned and said, "Chu Shao, I'll give you an apology. I advise you not to think too much. I can't agree to your request."

Seeing Chen Yuan, chuyang just frowned.

"No? Chen Yuan, did I give you a look? Your Chen family is just a third rate small family. It's your blessing that I like you. It's up to you!! Do you understand? "