Medical Master's World

Chapter 1208

Although his clothes are not of any brand, they are also high-end goods. He usually doesn't pay attention to dressing up. These are all from long Yihui.

Qin Jun can wear whatever he has made. It's comfortable and appropriate.

He doesn't need clothes to show his status.

Kong Yingying turned her eyes when she saw that Qin Jun refused.

"Why do you want to lose face? I have such a good relationship with Dongxue that I give it to you for her. If a man works outside, how can he have some decent clothes?"

See a little embarrassed between the two atmosphere, Wang Dongxue quickly said.

"It's OK, Yingying. You're welcome. I'll buy it for him."

Wang Dongxue is also making a lot of money now, so it's OK to buy a suit for Qin Jun.

Kong Yingying helplessly shakes her head and stares at Qin Jun.

"I want to lose face!"

With that, he stopped talking to Qin Jun.

In this regard, Qin Jun is also very helpless.

This woman you say she is bad, she has no bad heart, also want to buy clothes for Qin Jun.

You say she's OK. She's a little contemptuous because she talks so badly.

Qin Jun helplessly shook his head and followed them.

Kong Yingying told Wang Dongxue, "being a doctor is not really a promising job. A doctor depends too much on experience. You can see how old he is and what experience he has. He can't get up until he is thirty or forty years old. It's too difficult to stay up until he is thirty or forty years old."

Wang Dongxue said awkwardly, "brother Qin's medical skill is very powerful, quite powerful."

Kong Yingying snorted coldly, "don't coax me. How powerful can he be in his early twenties? Is it better than those experts? With his grade and qualifications, at most, he is just playing for others in the hospital. "

At Qin Jun's age, it's hard for Kong Yingying to believe that he is a miracle doctor, not a family of traditional Chinese medicine, not a child. How can she have such a powerful medical skill!

Wang Dongxue can't refute this either. He can only laugh a few times. They talk about other topics.

While they were shopping, suddenly a middle-aged man rolled down from the elevator.

It seemed that one foot didn't step on it. After rolling for a while, he lay on the ground, bleeding on his forehead.

"Honey! Husband

A woman chased down from above, and several security guards around also rushed to watch.

"Honey, are you ok?"

A lady in her forties rushed up to the man and helped him up. She quickly took out the quick acting heart saving pill from her arms and gave him two pills.

"Madam, let me call 120 for you!"

Said the guard.

The woman's face was anxious. "It's too late. My husband has acute heart disease. Is there a doctor? Is there a doctor willing to help?"

The security guard quickly pressed out the walkie talkie and yelled twice, "customers on the scene, please tell me if there is a doctor in the cardiology department. There are patients here who need help."

Yelled twice, no one answered, the woman is anxious to cry out, quickly yelled.

"Who can save my husband? I'll give him a million!"

When the security guard called just now, Qin Jun had already looked over there. Although it was far away, he could see that the patient was not in a good state at this time. He really couldn't wait for the ambulance to come.

"I'll see."

This kind of moment, Qin Jun naturally wants to move, change other doctors will also move.

Kong Yingying's face changed and quickly grabbed Qin Jun's clothes.

"What are you doing! You want that million? You can see money. Do you know who it is! That's Ma Jianghe, the boss of Jianghe group! How can you treat people with your medical skills? "

"Yes, you can get a million if you get it right. What if you get it wrong?"

"If there is something wrong with Majiang River, you will lose your life!"