Medical Master's World

Chapter 1175

Qin Jun helplessly shook his head, while pulse side said.

"It's not a competition. It's the ultimate goal to be able to cooperate and cure the patients. Otherwise, what's your use?"

"Besides, if it's true, you don't have that qualification."

Although Bai Huizhen is a master of Gynecology, her comprehensive strength is not good, so she has not become a master of traditional Chinese medicine for the time being. Qin Jun does not see her in the list of traditional Chinese medicine masters.

Even the master of traditional Chinese medicine is not qualified to compete with Qin Jun, even his weakness is gynecology.

When Bai Huizhen heard what Qin Jun said, she was furious.

"You're a liar! How dare you boast so much when you are young and have been in hospital for only a few years? I won't tell you the symptoms today. I'll see how you treat them! "

Qin Jun didn't say anything. If he didn't tell him, he wouldn't tell him. It's not that he can't see. He just said that the diagnosis can be more accurate.

Qin Jun didn't care, but Hu Jiaxin did.

"Dr. Bai, I give you money. I hope you can cooperate with me. No matter whether it's the disease you cured or not, your consultation fee will not be less."

Seeing her face sinking, Bai Huizhen said quickly.

"No, I don't mean that. Mr. Hu, you misunderstood me. OK, I'll tell him now."

Bai Huizhen can't help it. Although Qin Jun is very upset, she can only tell him about the external situation.

"A little inflammation..."

After that, Qin Jun nodded and changed his hand to continue to feel the pulse.

After a while, her face was a little pale, and she seemed to be in some pain.

Qin Jun put his hand on Hu Jiaxin's abdomen and pressed it on the right side of Dantian.

"Does it hurt?"


Qin Jun so a press, Hu Jiaxin immediately screamed, it seems to be the pain to death.

Qin Jun quickly took out the silver needle and stabbed it three inches under the navel. After two silver needles went down, Hu Jiaxin's face changed.

"Oh, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Go on." Qin Jun urged her to release water.

In spite of the pain, she got out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

After two minutes, after coming out of the room, he was in a much better condition and went back to bed.

"The stomach is much better. Is it difficult to hold your urine?"

Qin jundao said, "did you drink a lot of water?"

"Yes, I drank a lot of hot water."

"Who let you drink it?"

Bai Huizhen interjected, "I let her drink it! Kidney yin deficiency, heavy dampness, should drink more hot water, what's the problem? "

Bai Huizhen's tone is very bad. She doesn't give Qin Jun any good looks. What's wrong with drinking more hot water?

Even if you are not sick, you should drink more hot water.

Qin Jun light smile, said.

"That's not true. It's right to drink more hot water, but Miss Hu's physical condition is special now. She eats too much sour food, which leads to severe contraction of the uterus and expansion of other organs."

"Organ expansion, squeeze ureter, is not conducive to urination, drink more hot water, so that the bladder becomes large, and other organs squeeze together, and can not be discharged from the body, so it leads to abdominal pain."

"After urinating just now, Miss Hu obviously felt that her abdominal pain was weakened. In fact, it was not weakened, but disappeared."

"You should still have some discomfort in your abdomen. That's the real problem."

"Now, feel your pulse again."

With that, Qin Jun felt her pulse again.

Bai Huizhen was speechless.

It's like That's the truth.

Sometimes it's just like this. It tells you the conclusion. It's easy to infer back. Even some interns can clearly understand it.

But before I tell you the conclusion, it's hard to think in this direction.