Medical Master's World

Chapter 1154

Just now, he was a little late. I didn't expect that Qin Jun was so quick that he even dared to fight Su Wenming.

Now, this slap has become a pig's head, and it can't be retrieved.

Fu Xiaofeng hardened his head and said, "nephew Su Xian, today's affairs should not be in my face. We will definitely compensate for your injury. I'll let our private doctor come out to deal with it for you, Lao Liu..."


Su Wenming is very hard and indifferent. Today, even Fu Xiaofeng's intercession is useless.

Qin Jun must pay for his behavior!

Fluffy is very speechless, frowning and saying.

"Qin, you are too presumptuous. You even dare to fight Su Shao. You really don't know how to die!"

Qin Jun coldly looked at her, "what can I not fight?"

"Hum, what's su Shao's identity? What's your identity? Did you think about the consequences before you started?" Said fluffy.

Qin jundao, "you mean, I should bear his scolding, right?"

"You Don't try to be unreasonable here. The final result is that you beat Su Shao! You are implicated in our family

Master Fu also stood up, his face full of anger.

"Yes, you can die as you like, but don't disturb our family!"

"I don't think it's proper for you to marry Fu Rongrong!"

Master Fu finally spoke.

Fluffy also gave a long sigh of relief. Due to his face, her father was not easy to say, and she was not easy to say. Today, my grandfather said that someone was a bad person.

Fluffy beat while the iron is hot.

"Yes, I think we..."

However, as soon as Fu Rongrong was about to speak, Qin Jun sneered.

"This time I'm here, I'm going to give up my marriage. I just think today is your father's birthday, so I didn't mention it."

"Now that we've talked about it, it's just right."

"I declare that the engagement shall be annulled and the marriage shall be withdrawn."

Qin Jun's words made Fu Rongrong hold all his words in his mouth, and his face became very ugly.

"What do you mean? You want me back? What are you doing? "

Withdrawing marriage is the result Fu Rongrong wants to see, but the premise of withdrawing marriage must be that she withdrew Qin Jun, not that Qin Jun withdrew her!

Qin Jun is a poor young master, penniless, just an ordinary doctor.

And she is fluffy, white, beautiful, rich and has a good family. What qualifications does Qin Jun have to retire her?

Mr. Qin frowned slightly when he heard the speech.

"Why? Isn't that what you want to see? "

Fu said, "even if I withdraw, I will withdraw you! It's not you who backed me back! "

Qin Jun light smile, "this does not need to care, anyway, the result is to withdraw the engagement."

Qin Jun didn't care about the question of face.

However, Qin Jun doesn't care at all, and his attitude that he just wants to quit marriage makes Fu Rongrong very unhappy.

He wanted to say something, but Fu Xiaofeng held his arm.

Winked at her and told her to shut up.

Now it seems that although Fu Rongrong lost some face, the result is still good. He has got in touch with Qin Jun's engagement, so he doesn't have to let Qin Jun get involved any more.

All the problems considered before have been solved. Fu Rongrong can marry other people again, especially Su Shao.

Today, I learned that Su Shao was Tong Fangzhou's dry son, and their heart of making friends became even more urgent.

Originally, Tong Fangzhou was the nobleman of their Fu family. If it wasn't for Tong's help, their Fu family would have fallen.

It's hard to find a way to get in touch with boss Tong. Naturally, they can't miss it.

As the head of the family, Fu Xiaofeng stood up and said.

"In that case, the engagement between the Qin family and our Fu family has been cancelled."

"Xiao Qin, you are not allowed to call yourself my son-in-law of Fu family when you are outside. Do you hear me?"