Medical Master's World

Chapter 1123

Qin Jun's voice fell. Tong Fangzhou frowned and gave a cold hum.

"Who are you? When we talk here, what qualifications do you have to intervene? Who are you?"

Tong Fangzhou saw that they were not good at coming, so he didn't have a good face at all. On the contrary, no one dared to fight in such a place.

Qin Jun sneered, "who I am is not important, I have qualifications, not has the final say, I am just telling you, and the blessing of the family's grievances, so far."

Tong Fangzhou sneered, "you are so funny. Who do you think you are? You say stop, stop? Are you scared to be my child ark

Qin jundao said, "why, are you not afraid of death?"

The expression on Tong Fangzhou's face became more banter, "afraid of death? Who is not afraid of death? But what about fear of death? You want to fight with me in public? Ha ha ha, do you have the strength? "

With a faint smile, Qin Jun took out a thin silver needle from his fingers. This silver needle is shorter and thinner than the usual silver needle. It looks like a hair.

There is a little black mark on the silver needle, as if something had been smeared and then wiped off.

Tong Fangzhou frowned and his face changed slightly.

"What do you mean?"

Qin jundao said, "there are many ways to kill people. Who says that we have to use violence?"

Tong Fangzhou looks a little ugly, poisoned?

Looking at the hamburgers and French fries on the table, Tong Fangzhou was relieved, because although he ordered them, he didn't take a bite. Instead, Qin Jungang took a hamburger and ate it by himself.

On the whole table, only the coke boy ark had a sip.

But he bought the coke himself. Qin Jungang didn't touch it at all. He wanted to poison it here. Isn't it a fantasy?

And even if it was really poisoned, he took a sip altogether. How toxic could it be?

Qin Jun's silver needle is as thin as hair. It can't touch much ink. It's a bluff.

Qin Jun smile, light look at the coke bottle, said.

"There is a kind of poison called canglonglei, which is black, tasteless and highly toxic. A drop of poison can bring down an adult elephant."

"Even if it's diluted, it's still fatal for adults."

"But if you want to get it through a silver needle, then stab it into the cola, and let others take it, the dosage is still not enough."

"Unless the patient has hyperuricemia and joint pain, also known as gout."

"Gout patients have very low resistance to Canglong lacrimal toxin. A small amount of medicine can kill them in half an hour."

"The poisoned person's lips are dry, his tongue is numb, he loses his sense of taste, his little finger is black, and once the black line passes through his palm, he will die."

Qin Jun said that Tong Fangzhou's face was pale, and he quickly checked his state.

It's true that his lips are a little dry. He wanted to try his taste, but he didn't dare to move the food on the table. Moreover, his tongue seems to be a little numb, so his taste should be gone.

Stretched out his hands, looking at his own little thumb, a faint black line extended down, like a black capillary, has been extended to the third section of the finger belly there.

"You bastard!"

At this time, Tong Fangzhou really felt some discomfort in his body. I'm afraid he was really poisoned.

A look at the Coke Cup, there is a very small hole, this hole is small enough to Coke will not leak out.

Tong Fangzhou's face was extremely ugly. Unexpectedly, he was so well prepared that he capsized in the sewer.

Who the hell is this guy!

Tong Fangzhou stood up, and several younger brothers at the table behind him also got up.