Medical Master's World

Chapter 1086

How can there be no loan in bank loan?

Unless someone maliciously refuses.

Of course, banks also have the right to refuse, which is just against their integrity.

But in the face of reality, what is integrity?

Liu Qingqing said, "Jiang Liang, you should know who I am. I will never be threatened by you."

Jiang Liang sneered, "not threatened by me, right? Well, you wait! "

With that, Jiang Liang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, uncle Kong? This is Jiang Liang. I have something to ask for your help! Is stratus beauty looking for your loan? Please refuse all their loans Yes, it's a little contradictory Well, thank you, uncle Kong

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Liang showed a funny smile on his face.

"Qingqing, don't regret it."

Jiang Liang just finished this sentence, Liu Qingqing's phone rang.

Seeing the number above, Liu Qingqing frowned.

"Hello, I'm Liu Qingqing."

"Hello, I'm the business manager of Donghai bank. As for the loan your company applied for here, we won't reply for the time being. I hope you'll forgive me."

Liu Qingqing brow lock, "manager, you think about it, we are stratiform cloud beauty."

manager is also very embarrassed, "Liu, I know you are a layer of cloud makeup, but there is no way, this is not my has the final say, really is not right."

With that, the manager hung up.

There's no way, neither can the manager. This is the order of the vice president. She also wants to be different. She will refuse the loan from stratosphere beauty. Isn't that offending Liu Qingqing?

Liu Qingqing is a big customer, the richest man in China! In the eyes of the bank staff, this kind of person is a super big customer, and the vice president would refuse stratospheric beauty. I really don't know what I think.

Liu Qingqing's face is gloomy and his mood is really irritable.

Although the rejection of such a loan will not hurt her, it will make her very sick.

If the loan is not available, many projects can not be started, which will affect the supply to the next family and the final payment to the last family.

At that time, the credibility of both sides of Stratiform Cloud beauty will drop a lot.

This Jiang Liang is disgusting.

Qin Jun said with a smile, "surnamed Jiang, you are really inferior enough. You can threaten in this way because you can think of it."

"It's a pity that a small vice president really has no strength."

Jiang Liang sneered, "this forces you to install, but the vice president has no strength? I'll take a look at one! Let's see how you turn the tide! I'd like to see if this famous master Qin is blooming all over the world and has connections in all kinds of industries? "

"If you really have that ability, you'll ruin my family?"

Seeing Jiang Liang's face, Qin Jun sneered.

"Since you have such an odd request again, I'll give it to you."

With that, Qin Jun took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, President sun?"

"Mr. Qin, why did you call me? Please tell me if you have anything to do!"

"I heard that your Donghai branch refused the loan to stratus beauty. Why do you want to ask?"

President sun was stunned for a moment. He did know the news. Just now vice president Kong called him to report it. It's not a big deal. It doesn't matter whether he refuses or not. But when Qin Jun asked, he was on guard.

"Mr. Qin, between you and stratospheric beauty..."

Qin jundao, "Liu Qingqing is my girlfriend."

As soon as president sun's pupil shrinks, his face suddenly changes and he says quickly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin. I'll give you an account of this. I'll deal with it right away."