Medical Master's World

Chapter 1080

Cai Changfu nodded, "yes."

Although it's a very advanced needling technique, it's not so difficult for Cai Changfu.

Qin jundao said, "the same as the principle of penetrating the sky, the third needle stabs and raises at the same time."

This is the core rule of cool weather.

The third needle of the five element needling method is the same method, so the fault tolerance rate is lower.

Cai Changfu suddenly realized, and clapped his thigh with excitement.

Master Qin is master Qin in the end, a word to wake up the dreamer!

Jiang Liang was listening, but he didn't hear anything.

Qin Jun told it to Cai Changfu alone. According to Cai Changfu's level and problems, he said so casually. Qin Jun knew what Cai Changfu was thinking, where the problem was, and what he wanted to ask.

So Qin Jun just said it was cool, and Cai Changfu understood it immediately.

This is the real master, because he had encountered such a problem, and the master mentioned him here, so he knew all the questions he wanted to ask.

After the third needle went down, the patient suddenly opened his eyes, expression some pain.

"Doctor, my leg hurts..."

Qin Jun way, "leg ache is right, endure for a while!"

"It's done!" Cai Changfu also cried out his voice excitedly.

The key point of the five element needling method is the third needling. In fact, the patient's leg has been completely broken. Many nerves are in a state of adhesion, and can be pulled off with a slight hand pull.

So he should be unconscious, and the third needle is to let the patient regain consciousness.

Let those sticky nerves not be so broken. As long as the meridians are connected, the leg will be saved.

The patient shows his teeth, but Qin Jun can't help it. To keep one leg is the best result, and the pain should be tolerated.

Fourth, fifth!

Five needles down, the ambulance just came here, down a few medical staff to see this scene, suddenly full of surprise.

"Master Cai?"

Although they are western medicine, they have studied master Cai's book in school, so they can recognize Cai Changfu at a glance.

That's good. It saves Qin Jun a lot of things.

"Now listen to my command, fix the patient's thigh root and the middle part of the thigh with a fixed plate. When you lift it up, you must put it down gently. When you get to the hospital, you can have an operation immediately. The ulcer skin and flesh will be removed directly. You'd rather cut more than less. Do you understand?"

A few medical staff are a little confused. Who is the boy? It's his turn to direct?

Master Cai hasn't spoken yet. What does he say?

Seeing that the medical staff were stunned, Cai Changfu said quickly.

"What are you doing! This is master Qin

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

"What! Master Qin

"Master Qin at the TCM conference?"

Qin Jun is famous. If he is really famous, he is much better than Cai Changfu.

It's just that they don't know Qin Jun. they certainly believe Cai Changfu's words. Unexpectedly, this young man is the famous master Qin!

"Yes, master Qin, we're going to rescue now!"

Now that I know it's master Qin, I don't dare to neglect it. I hurry to rescue it according to master Qin's command.

Soon, the patient was carried to the car, Cai Changfu hesitated.

"Master Qin, the patient's condition is not very stable, and it may be necessary to adjust the five elements needling method on the way, or shall I go?"

Qin Jun nodded. The ambulance was full of Western medicine. If there was anything wrong with the silver needle, they would not operate it.

Let Cai Changfu follow the car is also a guarantee.

Before leaving, Cai Changfu glared at Jiang Liang.

"Jiang Liang! This is master Qin. You must be open-minded and don't be disrespectful to master Qin! "

"Did you hear that?"