Medical Master's World

Chapter 1077

With that, Qin Jun walked out of the restaurant.

When Qin Jun came out, other people were also curious.

They would like to see how Qin Jun cured a cripple with congenital stubborn disease on the spot.

We all know that traditional Chinese medicine is magical, but it can't be so magical.

Even if can cure congenital lameness, also need a period of time.

This is what our ancestors left behind.

It takes 100 days to break one's muscles and bones. This kind of congenital lameness takes longer.

The tramp sat on the ground with a trace of banter on his face. Of course, he didn't believe that Qin Jun could cure him on the spot.

That's bullshit.

Out of the door, Qin Jun did not give the homeless diagnosis and treatment, but directly on the car, take the car key, started the car.

Jiang Liang and others are all at a loss. What does Qin Jun do when he starts the car? Is it difficult to get things from the car?


A foot neutral throttle, coax a car, the noise is very loud, everyone was startled.

Then, Qin Jun put into gear and the car moved slowly.

And then there's the gas.


Boom, the car came straight! Rush to the beggar!

Everyone was so scared that all the girls around screamed.

What are you doing, killing people!

Even Liu Qingqing was startled and stood up quickly with a nervous look on her face.

Jiang Liang was even more surprised. What does this fool want to do? Are you crazy?

The most frightened one was the tramp.

After Qin Jun stepped on the gas, the tramp screamed, turned over and stopped. Then he ran back and walked like a flying horse!

What's a little bit lame?

This is faster than young people!


Then Qin Jun stopped with one foot.

Qin Jun controls very well. Even if the lame man doesn't have time to escape, he won't bump into him.

Then, Qin Jun got out of the car and said with a playful look on his face.

"Is it cured?"

Everyone is stupid. Is this beggar pretending to be lame?

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who pretend to be disabled and cheat people. It's no surprise that Jiang Liang began to diagnose his pulse just now.

It's pulse diagnosis and acupuncture, but I can't see that he's pretending to be lame? Isn't that funny?

The tramp looked at him with disdain when he saw all the people. He knew that he couldn't get along any more. He just crossed the road with his hands in his pockets. His walking posture was natural and unrestrained, and there was no sign of lameness at all.

If the leg hurts, Jiang Liang pricked it just now.

Jiang liangmu's face was as pale as ashes.

"Impossible, impossible! What I diagnosed and treated just now is congenital meridian occlusion. How can it be ok? "

Qin Jun sneered, "as I said, what you learn is fur. It's not congenital meridian occlusion. It's leg numbness."

My legs are numb


Liu Qingqing was the first to laugh, and then all the onlookers laughed.

Don't know is no taboo, smile, almost back to breath.

After leg numbness, the pulse does change.

If the medical skill is not consummate, it is likely to be diagnosed as congenital meridian occlusion. Jiang Liang is self righteous and thinks that people have meridian occlusion. He uses the five element acupuncture method to give people acupuncture.

Fortunately, the beggar is in good health. I'm afraid it's easy for the weak one to make trouble with these stitches.

Jiang Liang stood there, red faced, countless eyes looking at him, as if countless needles stabbed him.

I really want to find a crack in the ground. Jiang Liang is so funny.

Jiang Liang is trying his best to find a way to go down the stairs when suddenly there is a bang, just in front of the restaurant, on the road, there is a car accident!