Medical Master's World

Chapter 1075

Jiang Liang frowned.

"Master Qin, master dog, I've never heard of it."

Although Jiang Liang also studied Chinese medicine, he had been studying abroad for so many years. His main skill was the integration of Chinese and Western medicine.

Moreover, master Qin's reputation did not spread abroad for the time being, so he was very strange to master Qin.

Liu Qingqing light smile, "never heard of that, that is your short-sighted, back home can make a good inquiry, see if you are a level with master Qin."

Jiang Liang's face is a little ugly. I didn't expect that Liu Qingqing despised him after studying abroad for so many years!

If you say anything else, Jiang Liang may not be able to do it, but if you say medical skills, he won't accept anyone!

"Do you know that although I study medicine abroad, my master is a famous master of traditional Chinese medicine, Cai Changfu?"

"All the books that my master wrote are medical university textbooks!"

"Besides, my master has even seen the princess of Ilan sick. What are you? How dare you call yourself a master? "

Qin Jun smell speech, faint smile.

"It turns out that you are Cai Changfu's Apprentice. When you go back, you can ask your master if he wants to call master when he sees me."

When it comes to other people, maybe Qin Jun has nothing to say, but when it comes to Cai Changfu, Qin Jun still has some say.

Cai Changfu had just been instructed some time ago. If not for Qin Jun's advice, he would not have cared for the princess.

Jiang Liang is supposed to be a little apprentice. He can't wait close to him. He didn't get any real biography. He just hung up his name and thought he was very powerful.

As soon as Qin Jun said this, Jiang Liang became angry.

"You are presumptuous! How dare you say that to my master? Good. Since medicine is also something you are proud of, I'll compete with you. If you lose, leave Liu Qingqing. "

Qin Jun sneered, "first of all, Qingqing and I are already lovers. You are not qualified to compete with me fairly."

"Secondly, I study medicine for the purpose of curing diseases and saving people, not for competition."

"Moreover, even if it's a real contest, you're not worthy of it. Let your master do it himself. Maybe I can give him a chance."

Qin Jun's words made Jiang Liang stare big.

"Rampant, it's rampant!"

I've never seen such a rampant person before. What Qin Jun said makes Jiang Liang speechless.

"Qin, you're insulting my master. Today I have to decide between you and me!"

With that, Jiang Liang looked at the door and pointed to an old man at the door.

"Did you see that old man? When I came here just now, I saw that he was lame. Now who can cure his lameness, you or I, will win?"

Qin Jun picked up his tea cup, drank water, and did not speak.

Jiang Liang doesn't care whether Qin Jun says anything or not. He goes up to the tramp and says.

"Uncle, give me your hand and I'll see a doctor for you."

With that, he directly pulled the vagrant's wrist and began to feel his pulse. The vagrant looked stiff, but he did not resist. He let Jiang Liang feel his pulse.

At this time, all the people in the restaurant and the street outside focused their eyes on Jiang Liang.

They also want to see if there is such a miracle doctor who can cure a cripple on the spot.

After a pulse, Jiang Liang asked.

"Are there any bad habits, irregular diet, or staying up late?"

Someone nearby laughed. It's not nonsense. It's beggars. How can they eat regularly? If they don't have a good meal, they will eat some leftovers. It's strange that they don't get sick.