Medical Master's World

Chapter 1072

Liu Qingqing frowned, "don't be shameless."

Then he hung up the phone.

Qin Jun was listening, but he didn't pick a quarrel. Although they established a relationship, he never inquired about Liu Qingqing's previous emotional experience.

"Ex boyfriend?"

Qin Jun asked with a smile.

Liu Qingqing rolled his eyes and said, "well, not really. We are junior high school students."

Liu Qingqing slowly talked about her love experience. In fact, her love in junior high school was not love at all.

It can only be regarded as an enlightenment, just a little budding.

When I was in junior high school, Liu Qingqing and Jiang Liang were at the same table. They had a good relationship and often wrote whispers in the notebook.

Later, the relationship between the two gradually made progress. It was a hazy first love, but after all, it was junior high school. They didn't even hold hands. It was just a strange friendship.

At that time, Liu Qingqing was not so rich, just an ordinary girl.

Later, with the loss of time, the acne on Liu Qingqing's face became more and more, and gradually covered his face from his body.

Jiang Liang immediately disliked her. Once he ate and saw the acne on Liu Qingqing's neck, he immediately vomited out his meal disgustedly. Then he directly changed his seat and let Liu Qingqing sit in front of her. No one was at the same table with her any more.

This experience, although it seems nothing now, has caused a great psychological shadow to Liu Qingqing in those years.

For so many years, Jiang Liang has never contacted Liu Qingqing.

Until some time ago, Liu Qingqing appeared in time magazine with her picture on it.

Seeing this picture, Jiang Liang was shocked.

I didn't expect that Liu Qingqing's illness was cured!

When he was in high school, Jiang Liang once went to Liu Qingqing and found that Liu Qingqing's illness was more serious. Almost half of his face was full of acne. At that time, Jiang Liang completely gave up.

The moment they met, Liu Qingqing's weak heart was hurt again.

Later, Jiang Liang went abroad, and they had no more contact.

But I never thought that Liu Qingqing's illness was better, and he became the richest man in China.

This is the full white beauty!

After Jiang Liang learned the news, he really slapped himself a few times. He knew that she would become so beautiful and rich. How could he dislike her at the beginning?

Alas, things are hard to predict.

But Jiang Liang thinks it's Liu Qingqing's first love after all. Compared with other people, it should be very competitive. After all, the first love is unforgettable, especially for girls.

So Jiang Liang cheekily came back from abroad and was ready to find Liu Qingqing to see if he could revive his old love.

Liu Qingqing sat on the co pilot and discussed with Qin Jun where to eat, but didn't pay attention to him.

After a while, suddenly another call came in.

"Liu Hua Hua?"

Liu Qingqing took it and asked.

"Hua Hua, what's the matter?" This is a classmate of Liu Qingqing. She was a good friend when she was in University. She didn't get in touch with many people later, but it was OK.

"Qingqing, are you on Guilin road? I seem to have seen you?"

Liu Qingqing said with a smile, "no, I'm on Exhibition Street. I'm going to eat pickled fish there. Will you come?"

"OK, I'll see you later. I'm right here, too."