Medical Master's World

Chapter 1064

If Liu Qingqing doesn't forget, he should be OK.

Qin Jun and Wang Dongxue stayed in their hometown all night. They had a few drinks with Wang Aimin in the evening. They had a good chat. The more they saw Qin Jun, the more agreeable they were.

This picture is more and more harmonious, and even makes Wang Dongxue feel as if it is true, as if Qin Jun is her real boyfriend.


After leaving Wang Dongxue's home, Wang Rongrong's mother and daughter were very angry, and her old aunt scolded them all the way.

"What kind of thing is it?" he asked them to do something. They still have this attitude and relatives. Hum! "

Wang Rongrong is also disdainful, "is to find a job, I don't think they help me, stratus beauty that is all beauty, I think I'm not bad, put a resume to try."

The old aunt said, "yes, my daughter is so excellent. It's OK not to rely on others. Try it!"

After discussion, they found a printing agency and printed out a resume.

Wang Rongrong has no work experience and has never been to high school, so there is nothing to write in her resume, which is all her photo and self portrait.

Anyway, she thinks that if she goes to work in Stratiform Cloud beauty, it depends on her face.

Mother and daughter took a taxi to the door of stratospheric beauty. When they got outside the door, they wanted to go in. The security guard stopped them directly.

"Do you have an appointment? Who do you want?"

At first glance, they don't look like customers, and they are obviously afraid and nervous, like the first time.

Wang Rongrong summoned up her courage and said.

"I'll apply for it and send in a resume."

Security heart want to laugh, so the amount, also come to send resume?

However, they are professionally trained. Although they are despised in their hearts, they can't show it on the surface.

The security guard said, "send your resume. Just give it to me. I'll send it to the personnel department later."

Wang Rongrong didn't know how to send a resume at all, so she thought it was OK to give it to the security guard.

After giving it to the security guard, the mother and daughter found a hotel nearby, which was also a tourist.

The security guard was full of fun. He turned over his resume and found that all the photos were real. He looked at them with relish.

When the security guard was looking at his resume, a manager appeared behind him unconsciously.

"What are you looking at?"

The security guard was startled and stood up quickly.

"Manager Sun!"

Manager Sun grabbed the resume with a sneer.

"Resume? Some people give you a resume. What kind of IQ is that? "

The resume to the security, this employee intelligence is amazing, certainly will not be admitted.

Seeing all the photos inside, manager Sun simply flipped through them. Just as he was about to close them, he suddenly saw the name on them.

"Wang Rongrong?"

Manager Sun is the manager of the personnel department. Today, he just received a call from the general manager, saying that there is a person named Wang Rongrong who wants to enter the company and is directly admitted.

But he waited all afternoon and didn't see Wang Rongrong. He didn't expect to be here!

Manager Sun rushed back with his resume, which was explained by the boss himself. Of course, he didn't dare to neglect it.

But although Mr. Liu explained the direct admission, he didn't arrange any positions.

Looking at the resume, it's really miserable. I don't have any work experience or education, and I'm still so young. That's to say, I look a little pretty. But compared with the employees of stration cloud beauty, it's ordinary.

Sun ideal thought, in accordance with the number above the resume dial in the past.

"Hello, it's Wang Rongrong. You've been accepted..."