Medical Master's World

Chapter 1055

Looking at Qin Jun's face, Zhu Linlin suddenly said.

"Brother Jun, you don't mean it, do you?"

In Zhu Linlin's opinion, Qin Jun should have just had this prescription in his hand, or just remembered it, and then produced Tangshen No.2 for her.

And today's prescription for male diseases, if Qin Jun thought of it temporarily, it would be a coincidence.

After having dinner with He Hui just now, Qin Jun knew that he was specialized in andrology medicine business, so he had this prescription directly. Who dares to believe that?

Or does Qin Jun have innumerable prescriptions in his mind, which can shock the world at any time?

You know, the last time Qin Jun casually said that Tangshen No. 2 had shocked the world, making Wenhe pharmaceutical from a small enterprise to a first-line enterprise.

Just a prescription can change their company so much. If Qin Jun has such a prescription, it's really exaggerating.

Zhu Linlin feels that brother Jun has changed a lot. What has he experienced in the past ten years?

Qin Jun smiles, "I'll write you a prescription now."

With that, Qin Jun wrote down the prescription. This time, the prescription was very complicated, completely different from the previous one.

Because what Qin Jun wants to write is a comprehensive medicine.

In fact, the causes of many male problems are quite different.

Husband and wife life is not smooth, some because of the pressure, some because of drinking and smoking, some because of frequent, cold and so on.

The reasons are different, so the treatment is naturally different. The drugs on the market are not effective for all people, and some people don't use them at all.

So what Qin Jun produced this time is an all-round almost perfect drug, which is effective for anyone and has no side effects at all.

As for the mastery of pharmacology, Qin Jun is almost invincible, so it is not difficult to work out such a prescription.

Qin Jun finished the prescription, gave Zhu Linlin a look and said.

"This prescription can almost solve most of the life problems of male couples on the market. This medicine will be very popular. It will crush all the similar products. You should pay more attention to the publicity."

Zhu Linlin nodded and had the experience of the last time. This time, Zhu Linlin believed in Qin Jun very much and felt that there must be no problem with this prescription.

"What about Tangshen No.2? It just gave up. There will be no production of this medicine in the future?"

Qin Jun said with a smile, "publish the prescription."

"Ah?" Zhu Linlin is confused. They are in this business. The prescription is very important. If everyone knows your prescription, then everyone can produce it. How can they do patent in the future? Don't others want to rob your business?

Qin Jun said with a smile, "if you think about it, why do those colleagues target you? It's not because your sugar God No.2 has forced them to have no way to survive, so they will unite to deal with you. If you publish the prescription of sugar God No.2, and all manufacturers can produce it, then it's not directly resolving this contradiction?"

Zhu Linlin was still reluctant, "but this prescription is very precious."

Can a prescription that can bring so much profit to their company not be precious?

Qin Jun laughed, "I can write a few of these prescriptions easily. I don't need to be stingy. Just give them out."

Zhu Linlin is stunned. I can't imagine that brother Jun really has such ability. No wonder he can become a miracle doctor, and no one can compare his prescription.

"Well, I'll try!"